To Aline Rosenblad,

For all the unconditional love

To Emma Rosenblad for calling me an Artist

To Carina Rosenblad for teaching me about positivity

To Anders Jakobsson for teaching me about humility & sexuality

Thank you I love you



Healthy relationships with loving boundaries and universal attraction.

To transform is wonderful and challenging! It does not have to be terrible and demanding.

A caterpillar eventually becomes a butterfly. When it does there's no trace of a caterpillar.

A motto of mine used to be 'I'm gonna make it thru'. But that has changed over the years to 'We shall overcome'. I am bald but to overcomb will only disguise the obvious. I call you. Show me your hands. Let's play honest.

Mr. Dave Chapelle. David, I ask you to please scroll down and read 'Livin' The Dream'. You are David & I wish to be your stone against our mutual Goliath. It's all good. It's all gonna be better. It's actually gonna be great!

Just like you. Thank you my Brother.

This is all about being human.


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Headlines & Images are clickable

(many but not all)


I am not selling anything. My wish is the same as yours. Freedom. There is nothing to enroll.

Other than your own human experience. All insights on the website are created for you & me to let go of mental imprisonment. To embrace who we are. Which is pure love.

I can't get anymore condensed and direct than this. So, I put this up top. Please help yourself.

Here is a free little handbook 4 life.

'You can do whatever you want as long as you feel good about doing it. Some might think to themselves that drugs would be considered OK then? That would be to make you feel good. Which has its origin in feeling bad.. All in relation to yourself. No need for a diet or anything like that. Just feel good about yourself and everything that you do. And all is good.'

Stay loyal 2 da game - Of Love

The most dangerous creature in the world is the human being full of fear but also in denial. Because everything negative becomes projected onto others. A projectile doesn't have to be a missile shot from a fighter jet. It can also be something as seemingly little as a condescending look. Yet, deadly nonetheless. We are sensitive beings. We are having a sensory perceptive experience. And you'll never know how sensitive someone else is and also how they currently perceive themselves.

Everything is energy.

Please take care of yourself. So that you can take care of others. In all honesty. Truth saves. Lies kill.

Listen to 'Ready to meet him'. Yet he did not take responsibility. A man does not want to give it up for another man. God ain't a man. God is Love. Why a man fails to create understanding is because it's not created. It's felt. And that's a choice. The choice to find forgiveness and meet the understanding inside your heart. Or create a construct of excuses not too. Stay a victim or succeed. Plain and simple. That ain't weakness.

All talk about weak ass cowards cryin'?...

'There's a difference between doing wrong & being wrong'

- Let Me Fly.

This is my most beautiful poem. Note that I am not calling it the best.

It's inspired by 'Disney's - Elemental'.

🌸 Thank you 🌸

The one aggravated and in perhaps rage being offended by this document is identifying with the ones mentioned inside it. The document has no names inside it? So whom are you angry at?

Do you want to defend yourself against this which isn’t about you personally? That’s a receipt with a clear message written on it telling clearly just how focused you are on the negative. This document which becomes a definition of any city in the world really, makes for about 0.001% of this website. And that’s the world of today. The Ego all in defense. Acting all loving and supporting. But fails to look at its own receipt. Which is in the humble mirror of love.

If the message hurts. Don’t kill the messenger. Take a look at yourself and respond.

Don’t react. That’s all frustration trying to handle opposition. Which is not in the messenger. It’s in the message free from the messenger.


I have a personal history of suicidal thoughts & attempts.

My perception of the world has been a fearful one since I was very little.

I've had PTSD problems resulting in me being unable to be alone feeling safe.

I used to think about taking my own life every single day for about 25 years.

I've lost family & friends to destructive thinking.

Loving human beings leaving before their time.

My wish and ambition with this website has been to create something as spot-on as possible without to much personal history. This in regards to the one feeling emotions of despair and fighting their mind that only seems to deliver thoughts of destruction. I have learned that a root problem creating all of this is without a doubt taking oneself to serious. It can be hard to take things serious but at the same time relax and enjoy this human experience. Life truly is a balancing act and coming to realize the importance of harmony gives us freedom. Listen to your heart they say. Follow your heart is the timeless message. Home is where the heart is. What I can share with you and lead you with is my example. Because I AM FREE!

I am free and in love! From the inside out. So please take part in what I've created.

A suicidal situation is rock bottom.

But we all swing from left to right trying to stand grounded in the center.

In the center is where your path is, the life of love & joy.

I can arrive there in minutes when caught swingin'.

I arrive at love. In my heart. Where everything starts.

Where everything is possible.

Like my dreams of love.

What more could anyone ask for?

About my life:

I've struggled with everything I've been in relation to which stems from me. That is my perception of myself to be exact. Life will punch you down if you aren't humble and grateful. And all of this happens as you aren't aware of your ancestral karma. If not, life becomes a fight where you are a victim offended by everything around you. Until you begin to see things objectively with an ambition to understand things will stand still or get worse. When you understand you see all misunderstandings and frustrations that from reacting to impulses just too rid oneself of pain caused these negative impressions. From this perspective you can forgive. You forgive in order to let go. What you let go of are your subconscious convictions telling you contradictory perceptions about yourself. You can free yourself to live in happiness. Not only when something external makes that happen but from within as you become free of condemnation. We are never finished. We are not broken. We are under development as we unfold. Life is not as much in achieving as it is in dropping resistance.

My background is in music production, professional cooking, creative arts, conversational therapy, human behaviour studies, writing & a personal history of destructive thinking/acting with self sabotage.

My whole life I've wanted to be seen.

To be acknowledged is something from within.
When left alone you're not supposed to become an empty shell. All you do and create is not supposed to make you feel good just as long as this is active. We are not supposed to defend ourselves constantly from judgement which is also from within. We are ment to be free. We are ment to live a happy life of joy and love. Not to be confused with ecstasy. We can all feel tired from time to time. Not to be confused with completely drained. We don't need anything but love. And that is not outside of us. What we search for and what will release us from imprisonment of the judgmental mind is to see ourselves for the unconditional love that we are. Until then we fight. And scream: Look at me! Aren't I a good person? Am I not lovable? Am I approved?
But this is all just momentary and empty. Like it is inside an empty shell.

Most of what I've done has been with focus on myself.

Ego. Not like I matter more than anybody else. But because I haven't been able to acknowledge myself.

So I couldn't see you. I wanted to be free inside.

This entire project has been about me getting to know myself and also trying to tell myself that I am good enough as I am. Our lives are a reflection of how we perceive ourselves. The mirror of love doesn't lie. Only we do from destructive affirmations. I wish to share all this. All my insights that can hopefully reach somebody with existential questions.

Life is all about choice.

We live in a contrasting world.

Where things defined as either good or bad. But that doesn't mean anything really.

Because a hammer in the head will kill you. But used correctly it can build a home.

So the very first thing to choose is about what kind of a world and universe you live in.

Because you can only choose one option:

A friendly or hostile universe?

You see you are in relation to everything you experience. So everything stems from you. Inside out.

If you really need to get rid of something not serving you. Can you do that without being aware of it?

Of course not. If you are aware of it but not aware enough to understand the destructive consequences would you say that you perhaps need to become more aware? Yes!

This is why negative experiences increase.

To make you understand.

That is love.


Gain control over your thoughts and emotions.

Lead with example!

This website, this project & this expression is something that has been cooking for many years. Sometimes I've added something new, sometimes I realized that certain ingredients just aren't that great. My ambition behind all this is to hopefully reach as many as possible. From 3 to 93 years old! Life is not as complicated as it seems, we just sometimes make it so. I truly, madly, deeply hope that you will expand your horizon and understand that dreams are not to be taken lightly. We've got so much potential each and every one of us. It's all there just waiting, behind the fear, behind the inhibition.
Let yourself go. Let yourself off the hook and fly.


When you have the intention to move your hand. You then think & feel to do so. A visualization (a fantasy) is created inside your mind sending the information to your hand and the hand moves. That is a physical manifestation created from intention!

Your hand is 3D

Your fantasy is 4D

Your intention is 5D

Let me explain:

3D stands for three dimensions. Height, width & depth.

4D is height, width, depth & time.

5D beyond time.

You see the intention doesn't belong anywhere. It's out of the blue. Just a dream.

Your fantasy has the ability to move in any time. As you imagine being young or old.

Your hand is stuck in the material world here on earth and is only an object.

But again about ENERGY!

The intention, the dream came from somewhere?

And your thoughts are electricity, you emotions are magnetism.

So an energy intention using electromagnetism created the object!

Everything is energy and everything is a manifestation of that.

Now please download the manual below this section.

Please read that and relate that information and yourself to it and the rest of the information on the website.

How I Can Help You?

A human experience maintenance manual!

Where there is will there is a way!

We truly get what we want. The question is, how much do you want it? Are you willing to go the extra mile and do the work. Are you willing to stand up for yourself and stay true to what a healthy lifestyle is all about? Read my guidance for free!

Please download the 32 page very condensed and instructional manual on manifestation above!

The human experience.


We are what we perceive ourselves to be. What we perceive ourselves to be is what we affirm and that is what we accept. But we don’t have to! You have a dream of becoming more of who you are. That is nothing material, that is something experienced inside of you as a general state of being. When you become that all material expressions will become a part of your experience now that you attract more of what you are. If you do not stay loyal to what you truthfully know would be something better, you will feel an unpleasant experience. Why is because your system will indicate to you that putting your hand in the fire or holding your head under water isn’t good for you. Now everything is a manifestation of the same thing. Just like a pebble is a small mountain or a war between nations is the personal chaos within. It is all a matter of perspective. We are what we eat. We become what we affirm and accept. That is something created and nurtured by you. So what are you planting? The seed will eventually sprout and grow into something bigger. Can you plant seeds of greatness and seeds of love in your mind? Of course you can! But more importantly.. Can you master the skill of letting nature take over and do what it does best? Or will you start digging in the soil from impatience and kill the dream before it sprouts? Your mind is what is used to control everything. Question is. Is the mind controlling you? You can’t control the mind, that will only infuriate it in its natural habitat. What you do instead is to lead. With example. Are you having trouble with this? Well. That’s what I can help you with. What I can say right here and now is that a strong mind works both ways. Switch the polarity and witness the effect! What did you expect? What are you expecting? Think about it


We inherit our family energy history. We have as a quest to transmute this negative energy to free us all and to provide something better for the next generation. We walk in the footsteps of our ancestors. And if we aren't humble and objective enough to find understanding in this history, we will suffer similar consequences in order for us to understand. So the consequences will become more demanding as a function to wake us up. We are never under any threat but the ego will interpret everything as such. But all it really comes down to is realizing what our ancestors did not have the knowledge and understanding about. In this we can find forgiveness as we learn that all was handled by them as good as they could at the time. If we do not become humble and work to understand, forgive and release this energy we become and do exactly like them. Which becomes a task to be performed by the following generation. Just as we are to our predecessors. This is an explanation similar to a wheel that never ends which is why we call it 'The Wheel of Karma'. If you look at this image representing infinite love. And on this ring there has been a twist and fold creating a inverted effect. A knot. That represents something traumatic that generated a negatively perceived experience. And that knot will get yet another knot from itself as the next generation inherits this karma. And this adds on as long as we don't transmute this energy as we consciously transform it. We are all connected and more knots will get connected from this energy that causes actions of frustration involving other people outside the family. It also becomes obvious that the more knots created the smaller the circle would have to get. Creating the experience of less love and more fear. There is no escape from this. It has to be transformed as we take responsibility. For ourselves and for the innocent next generation.

So to be as clear as I can, this becomes to NOT judge anybody as an idiot or a monster even though their behavior was a such. That will get us nowhere and keep us trapped in the wheel as it currently is.

No change. No freedom. No more love. We have to untie the knot with understanding and forgiveness.

We can't fight fire with fire. We mustn't fight at all.

This would be a more accurate representation of how that actually looks energy-wise.
In the context of various emotions surrounding the negative energy. All is clearly connected and from an understanding the negative energy is transformed and transmuted allowing every kind of color and shape to be dominant. More love. Which also shows that fear is not real. It's just a misunderstood void.


It's not that hard or difficult to speak a prayer over yourself. To wish for everything becoming better and your desires coming true. But the true power in prayer is to pray for somebody else. And to be more specific speak a prayer over somebody you feel have done you wrong. Because a heartfelt prayer wishing them well cannot coexist with condemnation. You cannot hold them guilty for what they've done while at the same time wishing them freedom.

There is a karmic attachment between you and this individual.

So if you think about it. The prayer of somebody else's freedom in relation to their injustice done to you will also free yourself. Life is too short to hold a grudge. If we wish for a better world of love where everybody is free it has to include them as well. We are compassionate human beings.

We are not judgemental prosecutors.

Please forgive them. For they knew not what they did.

Prayer is ALWAYS answered. What emotion is dominant will become the answer. So an individual can pray for 1 hour without emotion and that is just like reading the dishwasher manual. No effect in terms of divine communication. When a prayer request is sent with specific ambitions but in contrary emotions the answer will be a reflection of that emotion despite the ambition (thoughts). This is love. It is delivering awareness of what is creating resistance which can be transformed and transmuted.

So we always get what we ask for. But perhaps there is resistance to that which needs to be taken care of primarily. Don't get mad at a stone hindering water. Remove it.

I am not a stone. I am a human being.


Find the love, teach the love, preach the love so we can keep the love.

Wouldn't you like the love story to never end? Well for the story to never end it has to be affirmed. Love has to be acknowledged on a continuous basis. If we do not express the importance of love it won’t see the light of day. It will remain in the darkness uncreated. A deep longing for freedom and to be appreciated for its unconditional & invaluable nature. There is no reason to be afraid. But we sometimes need to conquer fear and that is done by courage. From courage we learn that all obstacles are creations of the mind based in survival. Something fearful is always in relation to our current cognition. The more we lead ourselves beyond what is frightening the more we expose the illusions. And again create IN-Ovation as we internally stand up for ourselves. All in the name of love. If you want a clear picture of this, like literally. I suggest you watch ’ The Never Ending Story’ from 1984. Understand the message and see that the more you acknowledge and affirm truth the more you'll experience a world of love.


Find the love, teach the love, preach the love so we can keep the love.

If you'd like the opposite visualized and entertained you will get what you sustain within you. And that is not a utopia. On the contrary. A dystopia.

What you acknowledge and feed into with your energy, thoughts and emotions WILL become a reality after a certain period of time. I suggest you watch 'Children of Men' from 2006. Understand the message of fear creating that reality. Labeling and identification with destructive conceptual frameworks deriving from a narrow minded individual with an irresponsible approach to life closing their heart with inhibitions.

We create our own reality.

Which one do you feed into.

The one where children paint and sing.

Or the one where children cannot be seen.

Hope is what gives us the drive to pursue tomorrow with joy.

Without kids. No hope. No joy. No life. No love.

They can really get on your nerve though. If you let 'em.

What I understand now is that they only do a safety drill and testing authority. To be able to stay calm in a world of thunder.

Emotionally that is.

Who you are.

When you have a wonderful feeling thought you want that to linger, because it creates such loving emotions.

When you have a terrible feeling thought you want that to end and stop terrorizing you as it creates unpleasant emotions.

What is it that is observing and wanting to get rid of these thoughts that creates these emotions?

You are stating that you want this to end, so there must be some sort of separation between you and what you want to rid yourself from? Who is that? What is that?

You cannot be in relation to yourself?

Like I am writing on this laptop right now. I am in relation to the laptop. The laptop is not who I am.

I am actually not even writing. Those are my hands doing it. And the thoughts with emotional content created inside my mind I am also in relation too. So who am I?

You cannot be anything that you are in relation to.

I am.


That's I am.

I didn't write 'That's WHAT I am', because that would be an object. Because it is objective.

You just observe.

I am. Being. Singular. One. Soul.


You are always in the position to create something new.
Because of the nature of who you are. If you can come back to your being there isn't any history in your life.
Those are all memories. They can involve negative aspects of things done onto you or things you've done onto others. But that is all painful memories. If we hold that in focus we will never have the strength to become something better. If you have people in your life that cannot accept your change and desire to become better you need to let them go. You need to focus on getting stronger again to forgive yourself. To once again come back to who you really are. Like Enigma's famous song 'Return to Innocence'.

Other people who do not transform and take responsibility for their part will forever condemn you to stay where you are. As they do not do any work themselves they will not see or accept yours. They might begin to see that but again if they don't acknowledge that and get inspired they will out of jealousy keep reminding you of the past. A cruel way of making them feel justified and you condemned forever. We can all create a better tomorrow. Together.

People whom does not believe in change, that are firmly identified with "who they are" will not be able to

understand this in relation to somebody else either. If they are extremely judgemental you could have done 95% things out of love and 5% out of fear and they will define you as that 5%. Please don't do that to yourself.


What this now enables is a new perspective of the human experience.

You still have your thoughts and emotions with a clear and strong emphasis on HAVE.

Not identifying with them. They are something you have, not what you are.

That is a big difference and creates an understanding of being in relation to everything.

You now have to choice to entertain either pleasant or unpleasant thoughts that generate

emotions from a totally different, and true foundation.

You now have control. Inside out.

The only control you have.


What would you be able to become right now with all your experience only without your negative history?

WOW! What an amazing feeling! You could just apply all those skills of rational thinking and emotional understanding and create a dream for yourself! Because nothing would hold you back. No second guessing at all. You would be confident & adventurous like a 5 year old playing fire marshall only you really could!

To move on you can't forget about the past. But you let it go!

Don't let it hold you back anymore!

Now you're full of excitment and love ready to create something completely new!

You are just like an internet browser. Full of ideas and inspiration ready to create something fantastic!

You just gotta clear the history first and come clean. Fresh start!


Fear. The other side of love in this universe of polarity. Fear expresses itself as inhibitions that stems from an environment that can't be trusted. That environment is your unique human experience and a history of disloyalty will inevitably create these conditions. So in order to meet your dreams you have to create the perception of security to feel safe and to be able to let yourself go. That can be done with mind alone but we have to respect that we are created as a complete system. So by letting go of everything contradictory to truth you will increase belief that will create an environment of trust and loyalty. What that gives you is relaxation. In a relaxed and safe environment you won't have a problem getting your groove on. What you find hard to perceive as trustworthy, worthy and potential about yourself demands a clear vision, an objective inventory where you get the choice to transform and ultimately transmute. This is done by feeling everything in your experience and listening to your intuition. When your intuition presents to you contraction you can use your cognition to find out what you can learn from that experience and transform IT into something positive despite its initially perceived negative expression. It's just like a white guy scared of of a dark skinned dude.

Once he get's to know him, he's aiight.

Dont judge.


Ask for anything!

Ask for guidance, ask for help & ask to receive everything you need and it will be given. If you've got a problem holding you back you will be presented with a solution! If you act on that solution you will increase trust and step 2 will become easier in your human experience.


Trust. Believe.

Sustain a mindset of expectation!

With thoughts and emotions that create a feeling of expectation is exactly what will create an exciting life! What you need to do in order to create that is your preference. I've got tips though!

And they're not hard to apply.



Get to worthy.

Feelings of being worthy of anything in this world will close the gap created in disbelief. When we find trouble in feeling our worth it's often if not always because of past affirmations. Those confirm your existence based on circumstances. Circumstances doesn't matter. Get to worthy.


I like to think of myself as a little bit of everything! As soon as I identify with something that collectively defines my expression I feel trapped inside my own environment. I consider myself to be an artist. A multidimensional artist capable of wrapping things up! So perhaps a multidimensional wrap artist! A big thing in life when experiencing feelings contradictory to love I’ve noticed is taking oneself too serious. We should take life serious, we should take energy serious because the power that creates worlds also has the power to destroy them. The courageous will eventually tame the lion, or whatever star sign you are. A strong & focused current can create either Sieg Heil or Siegfried & Roy. The world of love has to be acknowledged, all evil is just mirage. Looney Tunes can raise your vibe! Schindler’s List won’t. If Scatman John takes me to new heights I will never become too serious for that form of expression. Mature is the one that forgives and unfolds, supports and empowers. This is possible whilst at the same time enjoying childish humor. It is possible to move forward and do good, do better and still enjoy the journey of life. Please make it fun!

This is not a mockery! I praise and tribute my biggest source of inspiration. The Feminine.



Your rhythmical transient expressions are called consonants, your abstract and fluid expressions are called vowels. Together they form music. When they are expressed in harmony with your souls intention you deliver a summer hit! Or a Christmas jingle! Or anything in between! You speak your world into existence. When you let your heart sing. When your soul sings. Don't be afraid. To open your mouth and say. Say what you soul sings to you. Your mind can never change unless you ASK it to. Lovingly rearrange the thoughts that make you blue. Don't attack! That is a massive mistake. Lead with example.

About Us

60.000 thoughts per day! That is what we as individual human beings produce. Your thoughts & emotions send out information that is either in alignment/ matching frequency with your desire, or not. With hope, with belief, with knowing - Your vibration rises. The receipt of your life experience is a reflection of the perception created inside of you. Thoughts that generate a low vibrational frequency will attract more experiences that matches that song of prayer or more likely, complaining. When you think about it, if a general state of feeling grateful & expecting miracles, a habitual way of continuously transforming something perceived as negative into something positive. We just might up the odds for 'Cloudy with a chance for a supernova!'

What you are looking for?

The ONE thing we desire more than anything in this human experience is expansion which is happening by unfolding. It's like a Christmas calendar. Those just keep getting better! Unless the Grinch swapped out all the beautiful gifts of life with something like a disease or a gloomy state of mind. Are you the Grinch or are you Santa? Do you live with a mindset of either low or high expectations? Are you aware that your perception is informing your cells about the environment, they are like your blind Elf's.

The cells vibrate at different rates depending on the information they receive. The vibration they sustain over a period of time is what becomes your general state of being. Kind of like the 'chicken and the egg' eventually. You can perceive yourself as expanding or contracting. It's all a mindset. The cells just follow the one leading by example.

A great leader is no more a victim or a victimizer. They understands that it was all happening from confusion and misunderstandings. From imbalance and disharmony. They let go in order to let be. What previously consumed a lot of energy now has the ability to be focused in the direction of passion. My greatest passion is development and unfolding in myself but, also in you. As you unfold and expand it's inevitable that you've understood and forgiven. You've let go in order to let be. What you've actually done as a bi-product of taking care of yourself is making the world a better place. Because it's all from the inside out.

If you change the way you look at things,

the things you look at change.

-Wayne Dyer


Self talk.

When you seek validation from the outside telling you if you did good or bad, the rational mind that is very black & white and also personal unfortunately takes it as exactly that. Making you as an individual good or bad. You become somebody defined by what they do. But that is not who you are. What you did was either expanding or contracting.

It was either unfoldning or collapsing. It was either developing or declining.

All those are expressions that contributes or witholds.

Sometimes even destroys.

That is fantastic if you need to wreck a building that is falling apart.

But you aren't falling apart. Although it might seem like that given the wrong impressions.

The judgmental & reactive teenager.

Keep the faith, you gotta keep the faith, you better keep the faith there’s no other way! - Real McCoy

This is the one we wish to meet for a non-hostile connection. This can be a man or a woman from the age of about 11-93 ’til infinity. Physical age has nothing to do with any of this. I’ve been hurt. I’ve suffered traumatic experiences but none of my states in development has been as critical as my teenage years. That has also been my #1 trigger for outbursts and reactions. I’ve behaved much like a teenager in my frustrations. I believe that a impatient, reactive & judgmental personality will forever hinder somebody from expanding and developing properly. You could say that this individual has some interference in their development. Like, ”Development interference”. In Swedish we call this ’Utvecklingsstörning’. This is not to be associated with any physical and/or mental handicap. If you made that association, you need to relearn this definition. If you’re still get offended from it you might be holding on to something that is no longer serving us and you are also very judgmental. Cowabunga! Sorry, but you can actually become a:

Teenage Transmuted Ninja Human!

Just lay off the pizza sometimes and do what you’re passionate about. This way you’ll get to take care of everything with love and also behave like a funky expressive teenager without the anxt. Inspired! Courageous! Expressive!

There are high demands on becoming somebody in the midst of understanding who we are.. Humanity. Renunciation IS key.
It may feel like a loss. But in the game of life you can pick what you need and move on.
What is ment for you will come as you attract it with your own conviction.

I believe the impulse is creativity. It just sometimes needs some reflection. Express and create. Don’t blame. Whatever got bottled up during the critical teen period has to come out. I love you! 💕



In the human body we have something called electrolytes. These have the ability to create something called an action potential. This is an electric functionality generating vibration in the system and they also need water because without water, no vibration.

This means that when an individual wants to manifest their dreams they need to stay hydrated and also have asufficient amount of electrolytes. Without this, it won’t matter if the thoughts (electricity) and emotion (magnetism) are in alignment even if you are a young child (which is somebody closer to soul) because the signal will be to weak or perhaps almost none at all sending it out to the universe.

This is why the children of Africa for instance with terrible water/electrolyte conditions cannot turn things around. Even if they dream of it. We all benefit from each other feeling good.

As a bonus I can teach you that your ”Gut feeling” is happening because of the amount of water that resides in that area enabling vibrations to be felt at most given the quantity.

100% of the money generated from my music will go to:

Speaking of water!

Why do people enjoy and many even sing in the shower?

Because there are no obligations in there and you are being who you are.

You are not this individual with this attitude and style, you are not this identity with

a profession and employment. You are not a mother or a father. You are nothing!

Not identified. No pressure to maintain any image of yourself. Created by you!

In the shower you can let go and just be.

Learn this outside the shower.

The adult child.

When you lack the ability of affirming yourself. When you seek outside validation to define wether you are loving and a good enough human being. It becomes an incredible load on your children. Because everything that you do and offer them only reflects back a confirmation about you. And also other human beings, not only your kids. When you aren't secure and affirm yourself you will only feel good in relation to your most recent achievement, reflected back as outside confirmation. You let the world tell you who you are. When you do this you question yourself all the time. And that is what you teach your children. It's not that difficult to understand why they grow up questioning themselves and affirm themselves in relation to their latest achievement. These achievements are often it not mostly a practical performance. Like doing a great job. We don't celebrate and acknowledge emotional and humane support as much because that would demand we take the time to slow down and listen to ourselves, our own hearts. So we keep everything in mind. Literally. It's more practical that way. We don't wanna get emotional and express ourselves about how we feel and how it really is. If we do that we cannot maintain a steady work-pace and get the job done. Only I believe that we need to do this. And when we do we don't have to go back to getting the job done. There won't be any pressure anymore. Because we do the same things again, only in service and not for personal achievement. We can relax and affirm ourselves as good enough. As we are, not in what we do. Now we can actually give the kids something we have. Something impossible to do in the absence of it. If I wanna give you an apple but I don't have one. I will have to make a strong justification creating a dishonest construct around this "gift". This will cause great confusion in the recipient as they will feel that something isn't right. Kids don't lie. And you as a parent will feel that there is something missing. Like the connection is off. No shit Sherlock. You are basically placing all your heavy load of undealt emotions in the lap of your children. Asking them indirectly to make you feel good about yourself. This is all projection. This is all irresponsibility. This is all why kids are on meds and therapy. No child is broken and need fixing. Only the projecting adults are.

Kids are magnificent, loving & compassionate artists. Something we also want to be, and deep inside are. But we are too afraid to be authentic. So we'll make them stand in line. To get the job done. As the machine has to keep going. And celebrate their performance over their humanity. Just like we do with ourselves.

To function in a world of dysfunction.


Tight Echoes.

If you look at your desire being on the opposite side of the spiral in relation to yourself. The Universe echoes what you send out but as you keep at it. You don't give up! You and your desire begin to swirl in the energy of creation bringing you closer together by electromagnetism. Just like the water heading down the drain only this won't flush anything away. The time necessary for your desire and you to finally merge and transfuse in the eye of the ”lovestorm” is in relation to what is perceived as grand. Like, you really want to meet that friend this weekend? Gonna happen pretty fast because of a perceived probability sustained by us. Wanna become a Hollywood actor? Now that will be perceived as something grander and more experienced time will be part of the unfolding process. Echoes varies in response time. According to belief. Unshakable conviction reverberates and by definition can’t be distinguished as either dream or reality.

In music production there is something called a convolution reverb.

What a reverb does is to create dimensional space. An acoustic environment to give a sense of depth to the expression. Well with a convolution reverb you can record a piece of audio in a particular environment that has a particular acoustic space, a particular dimensional space thus creating what is called an impulse respons. And as you use that recording the convolution reverb will recreate that space and your expression of choice will be expressed as if it was in that acoustic environment. You can also adjust the amount of acoustic reverb you wish to be experienced with a dial called wet/dry. Meaning that if when dialed to all wet you'll get 100% space acoustics. When dialed to dry it will express the desired expression with no acoustic dimensional space. So! What this translates to in manifestation is the thought being the equivalent to dry and the emotion to wet. So the more clear the expression is (thought) combined with the acoustic dimensional space (emotion) the more effective your communication will be to the universe as you send out your request in a larger space as appose to an all dry signal staying only inside your own mind.

You create your own impulse as you imagine the dimensional space of what you desire. Then dream about it with as much acoustics as possible = A wet dream. When done properly and frequently you'll eventually get a respons.

Why do you think the churches are large cathedrals with big acoustic reverberation?

So the message will bypass logic and get fused with your subconscious.

Pretty dangerous if you aren't communicating something harmonious.

Imagine you speak into an FX box. That produces echoes. So if you say 'I love you' with 4-5 echoes you will infused that just as many times in your subconscious. Imagine that you could tighten those echo responses until they become a long tail of interconnected echoes. That is acoustics. So perhaps that will produce 'I love you' about 50 times instead of 5. With the right words and the right feeling. You guessed it. Great success!


Other human beings are not your competition.

You have nothing in this life to achieve. What you are looking for is what you, from a compassionate perspective contribute with, in creating a world of love. And from that perspective it will list various tasks to be checked off as finished upon completion but, that is nothing to hold on too. Because you know, as long as there is injustice and segregation. As long as there is poverty and rasism. I can only speak for myself when I say that I could never see that trophy relaxed and feel accomplished eating my fancy dinner whilst knowing that others burn. Our thoughts and emotions create our reality. You can donate money to save Africa with half your salary if you wish but if you aren't healthy and truthful as one single human being contributing to a world of love right where you are. With your local society starting with yourself branching out.

You are nothing but a double-standard lying piece of shit. How the hell could the periphery be fantastic with a rotten core?? That's bad fruit. We can be Superhumans! Not Superficial. Better come correct. TUTTI FRUTTI!

And yeah. Rasism never has been or ever will be about color. THAT is superficial.

It is and always will be about a 'We/Them' mentality. Based in fear of the perceived unknown & jealousy. Thank you all cultures of the world for some incredible inspiration!


The ego is your prefrontal cortex. It identifies. Thereby, Identity. It looks at an object and interprets.
We don't fall in love with anything plastic as we do in something living. Or do we? Perhaps if we interpret incorrectly.
If we are balanced between our logic (masculine) and our emotions (feminine) our internal compass will be intuitive and harmonious in line with our hearts. Just like the needle of a compass that always points to the north. We function in the same way except when we make judgements. These are often if not always wrong because they incorporate data. The data are mistakes or accomplishments which never justifies and defines who somebody is. But keeps them chained to an identity coming from a completely static and objective perspective. Which is also how it's supposed to be! If you know who you are. If you know you are soul and eternal energy you should be static and identified with it.
So much in-fact that you realize that there is no separation and that you and soul are actually one.

The prefrontal cortex (Ego) determines if something is useful or not, given the current circumstances. If you identify with this as yourself, as who you are. You will become useful or not, given your current circumstances. That's why, if you have not performed or accomplished anything recently. You are of no use. You have NOT done a good job.

This is of course never the truth. But from a logical perspective it is, which cannot see a bigger picture that incorporates more than just the current state of affairs. The Ego & Heart are in alignment. Both are in center. That is why such strong importance of listening to the heart and not the rational mind. The rational mind will always make a judgement in relation to you as a human being in total. The heart is accepting and from an emotional perspective understands that this was all about this particular event and not you in totality.

A very clear definition of this would be that somebody masculine (logical) thinks that we can just throw away the Christmas decorations as Christmas is now over. But somebody feminine understands from an emotional perspective that Christmas will happen again, and so it is wise not to rule the decorations out as they will become important next year. And from this description you can understand why somebody very masculine wants to throw themselves away. From the lack of a grander more emotional understanding. All based in the current set of conditions based in performance. Useful now or not.

A good moral is actually in the line of the earths electromagnetic field. We are children of nature. Father Sun. Mother Moon. We are nature. All the planets correspond to different frequencies the correlates to various parts of the human mind. That's why we go thru things collectively because we are all affected by the same source, namely universal energy. To be authentic and intuitive as a human being means to be in line with the fundamental forces of the universe. Why do you think it's called universal? Why is Mars masculine & Venus feminine? Why is Pluto transformation? Why is Mercury communication?

One of the, if not the most immoral judgements of humanity will now be presented below:

As a baby you begin nurturing yourself with breastmilk. After a while you consume puré. After that you begin eating finely chopped vegetables and fruit. Maybe then you'll have some sausage without skin. Until you've received your teeth and begin to chew as you now are ready for more complex consumption. And you know all about crawling and walking turning into bike riding and so on. It's the same with wisdom and universal knowledge. The key factor in the child's development and evolution is a hunger for more. They want to learn more because it gives them freedom. If they stagnate nothing particular happens and they become and stay as they are. That's exactly what happens when we don't or stop communicating with spiritual divinity.
All we ever want is available to be delivered to us on the spot. But if you receive the equivalent of a large stake without teeth and motor skills to operate your tongue you'll choke. Only this happens inside your mind as you need to digest the information given before you'll receive something more complex. All is love and all is given. But you'd never give a 2 year old child a motorized vehicle as they would by all certainty kill themselves in an accidental situation. As would you and you mind from its limited capability to process and digest too much all at once. So you learn to handle to puré of knowledge until you'll be able to chew on the cosmic stakes of wisdom. What serves you in the restaurant of divine knowledge is yourself. You gotta stay hungry and excited about receiving more. And completely trust in the kitchen. The kitchen of the astral cousine only cooks with love. So don't be afraid. It's for your own good. It's evolutionary nutrition coming out of there. So please don't get full. Please don't come to the conclusion that you had it all. The meny is never ending and always evolving. Just like you.

EVO translates to evening. Meaning later on. It's a bit heavy to digest a three course meal in the morning.

We have to start with something easier to digest before the system is ready for more advanced flavors and complexity. Same goes for everything. Especially for your cognitive mind whom interprets and digest information potentially destructive to a state not ready yet. Slow down. Enjoy the nuancing which eventually gives a richer clarity later on. When you get it? Here comes the next evolutionary idea to bit your teeth into.

Stay curious. Stay astronaut.

A   L   C   O   H   O   L

Why is alcohol destructive? Some have fun with it?

All you need is inside you. If you've suffered trauma of any kind you need to heal in order to stay true to the youth.

To access everything inside you, all you need to do is to relax and receive. Alcohol provides that relaxation but also the cognition (your personality) that is supposed to be there receiving all the info. So things come to the surface, to your awareness but the one in need of guidance is also numbed. This is why people that are drunk sit around crying about the past. Because the youniverse provides an opportunity to understand in order to forgive, let go and move on. But the clown ain't getting it. IT dnummed itself. Then takes it out on poor Georgie.














Am I saying that it's OK to murder somebody. To murder a child and then be forgiven and walk away? No. Of course not.

But we can understand where that behaviour came from.

That way we can prevent it from being past on to future generations neglected emotionally capable of doing terrible acts in frustration from the robot-like treatment experienced growing up. We water our flowers with water. Not with acid.

That only produces somebody really pist off. Seeking justice and validation

from being bullied by the closest source of love.

Although. When the damage has been done.

And the dangerous individual capable of murder walks the earth.

Acid might just do the trick.


(FYI - How do you murder a child passively? You make them doubt themselves by not staying true to them. That makes them question their authenticity and their soul begins to die. When that happens, they might end up wanting to leave this place)

(FYI again. Or they might project that in frustration and want you to leave instead)

Can you understand where pressure is coming from?

On another note. What does the label say on the most popular handcréme in the world? Antibacterial.

What is the most important part of your gastrointestinal tract? This is the main reason for colon cancer.

You kill what is keeping you alive.


You have a rational mind. A mind completely closed off from the spiritual world.

A judgemental and evaluating mind without emotional understanding. A mind of theoretical knowledge. Only.

The hormone that get's triggered when using psilocybin mushrooms or LSD is DMT (dimetyltryptamin).

That is something already existing inside the human being system. This can be triggered and secreted using breathwork as well. I have done this also. From my conclusions and experiences we can from a dosage/intensity free ourselves from the rational mind. In increments. So a smaller dosage would mean a little distancing from the rational mind. And a very large dosage would become the equivalent of completely out of touch and connection to the rational mind.

We don't acquire anything doing this. We simply get access to what is always there. Our spiritual dimensions and authentic self.

Everything here is just the way it is. No judgement or evaluation. It's just acceptance and equanimity. And this is where we can re-learn what has gone missing about our existence and way of life. In order to stay more harmonious, joyful and creative.

The real gain here and impact is that the rational mind does NOT get numbed. It just gets a break but cognition is still around to remember and to see things clearly. But this is just like any other great aid.

This is an aid. A natural aid.

You still have to do the work and stay connected without it. Using it to connect and to hear the messages about harmony again and again is just like seeing a terrific therapist over and over but never really applying any of the inspiration to your everyday life.

Also a strong word of caution.

Thinking that stronger is better? Like increased dosage right from the start to gain as much potential out of it as possible?

That is an extremely bad idea. You cognition is not ready for that. The rational mind can become very disoriented resulting in a long recovery or in worst cases a life long damage. This cannot be compared to any drug and/or alcohol. There is just no likeness in experience.

DMT hormone is released when you die. It's does this to completely disconnect from the rational mind in order for you to review your life beyond the restrictions of third dimensional time. This is a structure created by the rational mind. This is also why the therapeutic possibilities are so grand because when we travel inside the subconscious without the rational restrictions, we can thru self or external guidance go to places of trauma and untangle misunderstanding. This is where the true healing benefits come in and what I believe is the main purpose. Not to trip out and dance around. That you're supposed to do anyway without any aid at all. And you can from dropping shame. Nike.

Because this brings us to a relaxed state of harmony presenting everything in total acceptance it means that no sides are taken.

So what you are left with is balance, which is another definition of truth. And if you grasp that you'll understand that what we got here, is a truth serum. To be used to bring forth any lie within a human being exposing it to the light if you will, and in guidance and conversation together in a secure and non-judging environment confess to expand and heal.

Something completely possible without it. Just two human beings provided a non-judgemental guide participates.

Although some trauma is extremely deep and prevents the human being from reaching it due to strong disconnection to their emotions. Like somebody behaving as a Psychopath. Sideshow path.

So do we need alcohol &/or psychedelics?

What we need is a brake from the judgemental and analytical mind. This can be achieved in meditation. Both alcohol & psychedelics provides this only psychedelics keeps the cognition intact which lets us see things clearly. That is what psychedelics are. They are not some trippy drug that creates an escape from reality. They do the opposite. We are so trapped in our ego mentality that works in survival mode all the time that we create a world of fear. Because nobody loving needs to survive. Only someone fearful does. Our subconscious is love, it's the love connection. Our analytical mind is the fear connection. And when you want to experience love you first must get a proper experience of what that is. Many of us hasn't. So we believe that it's outside of ourselves. Alcohol can't present this.
Psychedelics can. When you know the way to Paris you know. But you gotta become aware for the first time.

Continuously using psychedelics is like getting the best advice over and over again but not doing the work necessary from that advice.



All of these substances trigger rational thinking. Structure & Ego. That is the opposite of emotional humanity. That's why a cup of coffee gets you going as you need to move stuff around and get it done. That is also why you think you own the entire world when you've consumed cocaine. Both are an expression of the same thing only at different levels on the spectrum. Even black tea contain some caffeine and so you might ask where do we place ONE cup of coffee or tea on the spectrum in relation to a human being? Well. E=MC2. It depends on what kind of emotional trauma you've got under the surface behind all rational thinking and also in relation to your body weight and current rest. In other words you need to connect to yourself. Maybe take a break for some time and let those emotions come to the surface to be processed (understood, forgiven & let go), instead of adding to escape.


We only suffer our own mind. We are in a position in which we desire to be in another.

And from that perspective we lack what is not in our possession so we become uncomfortable and restless.

We search so much for something greater than what we have, that we suffer away the beautiful life happening right now.

And that is also what prevents more opportunities and beautiful things to come to us. We block ourselves from discontent.

If you lived on the street in low temperature and was offered a room for the night without furniture you would be very grateful.

All is in contrast to what we feel grateful for. I believe that we feel guilty for living and so we find it hard to be grateful for life itself.

If we find it hard to be grateful for being alive we surely will have a hard time feeling grateful for other people or stuff.

We only suffer our punishing, judgemental av evaluative thinking. If we would accept what is? Let IT be.

Wouldn't we feel grateful? And that is the mental & emotional state from which we attract more!

We get what we focus on.

The ego as explained in the above document is in constant identification with everything. Another word for this is interpretation. So to clarify a personal inverted perception about this would be someone receiving help or guidance experiencing this as an attack. This is all perception coming from a completely identification with the rational mind. Hense 'taking things personally'. So no matter what this individual receives as an aid will interpret and identify this as the opposite. The ego is a structure based upon lies. The help is based upon truth. So the more this structure is reinforced and maintained the more interpreted attacks will become the experience. This something I've discovered to actually not have to be about big things. It's more of a general lifestyle that includes small lies as they go along.
Like: They missed the bus by 8 minutes but claim that it was 11 minutes. A systematic behavior of assertion coming from low self esteem. They might be very superficially secure though which is necessary to keep up this facade. It all falls down eventually. Question is if they take responsibility then, or blame everyone else?

To adress a concern with somebody in the form of ’YOU’ will only trigger defense because of the personal focus. Instead focus on the behavior which is impersonal. From that understanding you can also see that 'I' will create that same defense when trying to changing yourself. The ego owns.

The Heart shares.

Circumstances don't matter

In life there are consequences, there are circumstances. But they are never who you are. They can never define who you are. Those are all outside of you and the more power you give them in dictating who you are the more you diminish yourself. There are circumstances. And then there is you. As life is all about attraction occurring from a general state of being which is all perception it creates resistance when identifying with the circumstances. If the circumstances aren't optimal or even satisfactory this creates a perception of yourself not being optimal or even satisfactory. The perception should always be 'good enough' despite current conditions. That's a true perception of who you are and gives in to resistance. We are where we are. But to move forward we can't let that be where we're going. A simplified description of that would be to tie yourself to a specific location trying to go somewhere else.


When somebody isn’t delivering everything in clarity with less information that expands consciousness as much as possible in a context when they themselves has done so means, that they still have a lot of ego attachment and want to primarily be acknowledged as an intellectual and secondary to assist you. You might think that they do not posses these skills and therefor don’t deliver. But we can learn anything that we desire. And they simply do not. Because they have already arrived in perfect understanding. A stagnate flow of the universe. Contrary to what they teach and to nature.

We can always become better. And that is to be clear.

I love you. I am so grateful.

I will never stop listening.

Thank you so much,

for teaching me.

Alan Watts.

All one.


You cannot feel ungrateful for the life that you've been given.
This is why you'll always feel miserable when things are taken away.
I love things as well! But they are not what constitutes my happiness.
I've learned this from renunciation. To lose it all. To become grateful for my next breath. Without it I am dead. Just like the world is today. Looking for another gadget to fix the obvious. Ourselves. Individually. The earth laughs at us. It will manage anything that happens and never die. Time is nonexistent so it will fix itself at once. It is we. The keepers of time. The history of failure. The hurt and the victimization.
That are killing ourselves.


The only thing of true value in this life is experience.

When you've experienced your true self. Unidentified non-conceptual.

Then you know God by experience. Not from texts. Not from words.

I have done this so I speak from experience.

When you close your eyes everything is black.

When you let go of anything conceptual everything is (even with your eyes closed) white.

But that is all an illusion of the mind. Projecting what it interprets.

Everything material combined will be perceived as black. Everything spiritual will be perceived as white.

When your mind doesn't produce anything material like a thought is, it will become free. And thus have nothing to show on the cinematic screen of your imagination = Salvation = White = Clear image.

And also true. Because that is pure awareness here forever.

A thought comes and goes, just like anything else material.

So is the answer to remain in this state of mind?

Totally free in absolute salvation. No.

Because then you will miss out on something happening right now.

Your life experience that includes everything & everyone.

But you now have a reference point and understanding of who you are.

From experience. And that is invaluable. Like all human beings.


The purpose of any religion is happiness. In any other case you are baptized in corruption, total self-destruction.

The greatest understanding you will ever need.

Get to know. As much as possible. In all aspects.

The role of the victim.

You cannot let this go until you understand it.

Somebody victimized will never prosper.

It goes against nature. They might have money.

But that is not what you are looking for.

We cannot let anything go,

until we understand IT.

It's like your angry at the landlord for putting a front door on your apartment.

When infacts you refuse to open IT. IT has its function but not to incarcerate you.

Stop blaming IT and understand IT instead.

What that truly means is not letting the outside world dictate who you are and, what you can do.

Nothing outside of you can ever tell you who you are. Not even your own achievements. These define what you do. NOT who you are. And certainly not your mistakes. Those where things misunderstood & handled in frustration/impulse.

The darkness biggest enemy is the light. The lights biggest enemy is the darkness.

Only it's not. They are each others salvation.

The issue with somebody dishonest is that they will perceive somebody discovering and unveiling their lies as control. Why is because they can only understand from their own lack of emotional understanding & calculative tactics. In other words, control.

Somebody narcissistic will perceive loving guidance as manipulation. They will feel threatened by truth and love as they are living a lie. They fail to connect emotionally which would give them a grander perspective and ability to see this. You can only give what you have and as they live under the control of the rational mind whom seeks to dominate instead of co-operate they fear somebody delivering honesty and truth. They believe that this will kill them and that is true. Only the death is all about their mental construct built on lies which inevitably has to fall in order for them to become free inside their own environment. That has nothing to do with somebody being honest and true. That is a projection coming from their own misconception that clearly states that they must become honest and true themselves. And that hurts.. But the pain in self-inflicted. To change that you must become humble and understand that you’ve done wrong. Not being wrong. Which is also an identification of the rational mind that owns a rigid state of mind.

What is crucial is to never go against the Ego as in stating something negative in relation to identity. Like: You are. That's personal and will only create resistance and competition. What is needed is to talk about the behavior as in something objective. Attacking the rational mind will make the behavior subjective and as the Ego's main function is survival it will kill what is perceived as opposition.


Children already function and know what is right. They only get confused from adults saying one thing and doing another. What your responsibility is:

To take care of yourself and do whatever it takes for you to feel good. On your own without anything external to make it happen. Find the joy within you. Which is 100% natural and effortless. If you aren’t experiencing this, you are having attachments routed in trauma connected to other people.

When you manage to take full responsibility for your part of that and forgive yourself thus detaching from being a victim or perpetrator you become free.

What your responsibility as a parent is:

Lead with example and create an environment that is loving and supporting.
This is something you cannot give away if you can’t lead yourself with these examples. If you try that anyway, you are by definition a hypocrite and talk the walk but don’t walk the talk. I.E Double Standard.

You have to let everyone go. All the time. They are not your responsibility.

What that means is that they are on their own journey, and if you make their current state yours to take responsibility for, you will feel bad. And then you just threw away the only life jacket available. You can care for them. But not take responsibility for their experience. And what that means is that you show them how to do it themselves. And again! You have to lead with example in order to become a source of inspiration. Otherwise you fall short on the meaning of life.

Which is to know what love is.

It ain't lyin'.


Sound is a product of vibration. Vibration is energy. We as human beings can feel. We can feel the vibrations.
So one does not need ears to enjoy feelings. And that means that whatever you say is a product of your emotion.
So if you say you love me. But don't feel that inside yourself. I will either have to accept the words and go against my intuition.
That will slowly brake my spirit. Or, I will have to question your authenticity. When I do. You have the opportunity to find the feeling within you.
Or, to continue this maskerade. Keeping up the facade of somebody not in-touch with their emotions.
All from the fear, of being vulnerable & honest. With me.

But really: With you.

The one major feedback I've gotten on my work from others.

Is where I have misspelled words.

Check this out:

Life is tough and hard on me.

When you say that. You are actually lying.
Because you make it tough. That is the truth.

So this will keep your rational thinking mind master and

highly dominant because it is given the task of manufacturing

a reality that reflects that statement.

This is a repeller mentality.

(My life sucks)

Life is beautiful and easy on me.

When you say that. You are actually telling the truth.

This accepts challenges in life and gives mandate to the heart.

The task given to the rational mind subsides into basic survival.

It doesn't have to manufacture a reality anymore.

A true love story unfolds. This is an attractor mentality.

(My life is amazing)

On your knees

Why is it that life seems to bring some of us to the lowest level possible. Before it all turns around?

This isn't primarily feelings of ungratefulness. This is the amount of guilt we carry preventing us from feeling grateful.

Some of us lose it all and from that point give up. What happens is that we give up feeling guilty and surrender.

Now life's got a chance to stream as intended without anything blocking it. Like a clear stream of water.

Your life is fantastic and everything is happening for you. Please keep stating that:


A guilt trip ain't fun. Life's a field trip full of fun away from judgement!

Thank you for my life! I am so grateful for being me!

Thank you for life God! I love it!

Lead with that example.

Checking out before your time is all about guilt and ungrateful feelings about life.

Making yourself into a martyr is not a sign of gratitude and we should not celebrate that.

The one who makes the world a better place is the one making themselves happy.

The one who is happy is grateful for everything & everyone.

We don't show that by punishment.

We need no more sacrifice.

That is actually wrong.

(Story of Jesus)

With feelings of guilt: They should be happy I even exist!

With feelings of gratitude: I am just so happy to be here!

You don't have to be a slave to guilt.

Choosing to be grateful dissolves it.

And one day (despite any wordly manifestations).

You're free.

Let it go! Let it go!

Can't hold you back anymore!

You don't owe anyone or anything your joy!

The only thing you owe is giving it to yourself.

This constant striving at becoming better is true and correct.

The thing we misunderstand is that this stems from us not being good enough.

What it means is simply that feeling fear, shame, guilt & unworthy is not healthy.

This is actually not well. So what is needed to heal from that is not to say that we are sick.

But that we need to become better and reach the surface of what was originally intended.

We are not nocturnal. We are not aquatic. We are also not alien. We belong on the surface.

We are human beings. Instruments of love working properly in balance & in harmony with nature.

To be as unique as each individual tree without comparison. Accept yourself.


The only way to free yourself and let go of guilt is thru forgiveness.

We have to get rid of pride, vengeance, justification, judgement and forgive ourselves.

The complexity of what creates everything always involves many factors, like many other people.

But there is a part of it all that you alone is responsible for. For that you need to take full responsibility and

forgive yourself for. If you don't you will carry the guilt and continously condemn and punish yourself for it.

This will create disease inside you that will only attract an undesirable outcome. All from your internal, income.

Which is on a negative balance. What happened is what happened. There is no changing that.

The only thing that can change anything is forgiveness. And that is about forgiving yourself.

All to become free of debt. Free of guilt.

You feel and carry guilt from a guilty conscience. It has become a guilty consciousness.

It has become a dominant part of your awareness. Why?

Because it is a priority to handle with forgiveness or else there will be destructive consequences.

This is all about love telling you how to get better from a state of not feeling well. It's not a punishment.

But you have to go thru the pain emotionally & intellectually to understand, in order to forgive, in order to let go.

This is the order. When it's done you won't need a receipt. Your life will become free.


This might be perceived as harsch but if somebody loses their life in another city that you've never met. Will you feel sadness & grief over this situation? You are not even aware that this has occured. The obvious answer is of course, No. So, How could you? There isn't any conn..AHA!

When you want to move on in life there are times you have to grieve. Terrible things can happned with people close to you.

And because you are deeply connected this will of course affect you and create sadness from the loss.

But this is also an indication and message that what we dream to be cannot co-exist with connections and attachments holding on to us where we are. To be able to receive what you desire you must let go of any attachments. This can be a relationship with another human being. Something physical like an object. But it can also be your attachment to a desired outcome. Because you hold on to that specific outcome created by yourself you block the universe from giving you something better. And to receive that you need to trust. And how to trust is not to simply say I trust.

It is to let go. And let things, people & opportunities come to you.


Worry is the incapacity to let go.

And it creates a prayer request exactly like the opposite of what you desire.

When you worry you communicate vibrationally to the universe:

Hey! Please give me more of all the terrible things you can give me!

Don't worry. Be happy.

How to be happy: Feel grateful and expect good things.

Are you ungrateful and contribute with destruction.

Well, you gotta change some habits.


Things are going according to plan

Everything is on its way to you

Never worry. Trust me.

I got this / God, Universe, Love

Feel before think:

If you can direct your focus and energy to your heartspace you will go from feeling to thought instead from thought to feeling. You just feel life! You just experience life and then it generates thoughts. But if you think first and wait for a feeling it becomes russian roulette, and if you got a lot of fear inside you might hurt someone. The heart will never hurt anyone including you.

You don't hurt others if you aren't hurting yourself.

It's like being turned on by listening to all good!

What turns you on? Your heart does. Literally.

That will determine your life experience and also others who you share life with.

Life becomes very appricative. Very accepting and just loving.

If you don't feel what's the point? So more feeling more life!

💕 Love is not what you think 💕

Why do you love?

You don't. You just love.

Did all this really make you think?

Sweetheart. Feel ❤️

Are you all alone?

The human being that is very lovable & desirable that people want to have in their lifes.

The person that people want to get intouch with is someone that feels this way about themselves.

Not solely think this way about themselves without feeling. That is all a big Ego trying the cheat life. Cheat love.

When you love accept & yourself. When you become free from the destructive emotions within you. You are

by natural definition very attractive. And that has nothing to do with your physical apperance.

You physical apperance follows the general feelings of appreciation and love from within.

You can't fake that. People will feel that. Because you feel that underneath it all.

You are naturally extremely attractive to everything and everyone.

But with counteractive, counter intuitive energy. You repell instead of attract.

If you are alone. With no family. No friends. No money. Losing what you have.

It's all from the feelings that are most dominant within you.

You don't have to do so much. More get rid of resistance.

Make yourself attractive. Like you are.

Did life become a dissapointment?

That is because you tried so hard to make it into something with exact control of what you wanted.

What you saw inside your own mind. Your own projection inside of how, when & where did not match outside.

What you dreamed of is not experienced in real life so you begin to rationalize and believe that it wasn't for you.

Everything is for you! Even better than you can imagine! You just gotta let go of expectations. All of it!

This is a tricky one because it feels like your giving up on everything. But that is only the rational mind coming from a black & white perspective. But your beautiful life doesn't come from the rational mind. It comes from the subconscious mind. Full color spectrum! All possible expressions ever to exist!

That's the God mind! That's the Universal mind!

The rational mind is a closed environment taking up about 5% of space. It doesn't have the capacity to create these connections. So stop listening to it and its constant real-time evaluation. Time does not exist! So believe in the mind beyond it! Believe in God! Believe in the Universe to deliver. With faith! IT WILL.

You see when you don't believe. You close off that connection. And nothing happens.

Simple as that. You simple flicked the switch and all is dark. Flick it back to believing for it.

Now tape it. Superglue it. Leave it. And keep faith lit. Leave it on!

This one will pay your powerbills!

A life of dissapointment was never your appointment.

Get out of the upstairs office!


The act of suicide is something we all know what it is. But where does it come from.

What is the true reason behind all suicides?

It's a complete lack of hope and a belief in a better world.

You project your own reality so the world of total darkness is within.

The paradox is actually that both the destruction and construction of something

new is about the same thing. Only one is spiritual and the other is material.

When a human being think they want to die they really truly MADLY want to let go.

And because they are so wrapped up in thinking this becomes something very

rational. To the point that it becomes irrational. The wish to let go is

about accepting the current predicament and finding a way thru it.

Not to end the suffering by escaping it.

But thru understanding.

And forgiveness.

The Machine

The machine will kill you.

The machine has no emotions. The rational mind is just like a machine. It will terminate what is perceived as a threat for survival by sending that command to the body. When that command has been affirmed the machine will override itself. I doesn't understand that this involves complete shutdown of the entire system which includes all.

There is only one way to prevent this from happening at point critical.

It has to be given a new monotone task without emotional triggering.

This will free the body from accepting the command and also hypnotize the

machine using its own tactics.

An immediate solution for everything will perhaps not present itself.

But this command will not be dominant anymore and you will survive.

The body might become restless after some time which is very natural

given the sudden freedom from control.

Please use as follows:

Lay down on your back. Focus on your breathing in and out.

Keep your attention between your eyebrows and let the machine be.

(Please click the image of the machine)

And know that I really LOVE YOU and you are worthy of a beautiful life!

The Machine is overheated. It needs a brake to become kool again.

The light will switch from code red to harmlessonius green.

This might seem odd but when overheating occurs there is one method to use prior to passively following your breath. And that is to shower the top of your head and forehead with cold water. Something electrical producing higher watts of energy becomes hotter. Same goes for the processing inside your mind. The more being generated, the more heat.


When you seek validation and acknowledgement for being a kind and loving human being outside of yourself.

You are asking something material. It's bascially asking the machine to tell you everything good about you. We actually do that naturally within ourselves without any effort. The problem is when we give that natural feeling away to someone else. This is mainly because of parents not receiving this feeling from their parents and so they've given it to you.

You should have gotten a new fresh & clean sweater but you got an old potatosack instead.

If a parent hasn't been able to show their child true love.

The child will remain the attention seeker for all the wrong reasons.

They wish to feel love and so they seek that outside of themselves.

And that is very destrutive. Because it's not true.

And will forever not be satisfying.

As Jim Carrey said: Don't try to be something for the world.

You can be anything but be that for yourself. Because that will be love.

Everything else is an attempt to get what you do not have.

But you don't get love. You feel love. You are love.

You don't have to become it. Just be.

And then you will receive.

Not get.

If you are in an unhealthy realtionship. Get out of it right now.

But know that it all stems from you. So that means that you are not in a loving relationship with yourself.

Get things right. In the right order. In the right understanding. And you will never be in a destructive relationship again.

Because you love and care for yourself. In a true & healthy way. And that will be reflected in everything.

Because we get what we give. Don't wait for someone else to come around. Not even your parents.

Take care of youself. Give yourself love.


Everything is divine communication and guidance leading us back to harmony.

Like Christmas. Why is it the biggest holiday of the year? Because it brings the biggest communication and guidance of all.

That when we feel good about ourselves we shall receive more of the same.

From a spiritual foundation which is feeling. We attract more ofside which is material.

We put all things aside and for one day leave every hurt, every judgement and condemnation in order to be together and to celebrate the Christmas spirit.

We forgive and let it all go. We can do this everyday.

Let ourselves off the hook.

Just allow us all to feel good.

Why is this divine? It sounds God-Like!

Because it is. God likes. God does not dislike.

God forgives. God brings us together and God

is ready to give you the world. When you act

as if you('re) like God.

You just have to leave out the control that's all.

That's what faith is all about.

Love God and God loves you.

God is love. So why not?

All is communication from source

Every breath you takeAnd every move you makeEvery bond you breakEvery step you takeI'll be watching you

Every single dayAnd every word you sayEvery game you playEvery night you stayI'll be watching you

Oh, can't you seeYou belong to me

These communications are not manmade.

They are from source energy. Everything is. Coming to us in the form of inspiration.

To inspire us to reflect and to come home. Back to love.

This is not control, this is not policing. This is compassionate guidance. The universe sends us these communications all the time. It's only the ego that can't see further than itself. You are never controlled by the universe, only by the mind. Source energy is pure love asking you to acknowledge this. The more you do that, the more you will get in return as you speak, act & create out of and for love.

The truth of the matter

Like Literally!

Even though it might not be perceived this way, but we actually do about 5% work and the rest is given to us. That a staggering 95% ladies and gentlemen! And we give credit to the thinking mind who's actually responsible for those 5%. Nothing happens without inspiration. And inspiration is given, not produced. A thought is produced but after than we receive inspiration. All that has ever been created and ever will be comes in the form of inspiration. From source. From God. From the universe. Whatever you wanna call this. Inspiration - Thought & Emotions - Matterfestation. This is the primary understanding the human race must begin to accept. And you know what? It's like basics. It's like drinking water. It's like breathing. It's like just being.

Thank you Source, God, Universe! Thank you for everything! Practically everything ;)


When you don't indentify with the guilt.

When you observe it from a distance within you. You will see that it cannot exist without a connection.

It's plugged into something or someone. This is an attachment of the mind. We seek understanding about everything that has happened that created all these feelings of discomfort. When you keep finding justification in relation to the guilt there has to be someone guilty. Like someone else or yourself.

They did something. You did something. Did is a definition of something prior. You can't did something now.

You can't did something tomorrow. What you do is what you do right now. Who you are is not what you do.

Who you are is who you choose to be. Do you wanna be free of guilt?

Forgive you past mistakes and say: I AM WEALTHY! I AM FREE!

As within, So without.

Whatever is being manifested outside of you, not in the relfection of something loving has to do with the environment. And note that I am not using plural here. There are no environments. Only a safe environment can produce the perception of security. So a safe invironment will manifest a safe environment.

What is it then?

What is it that creates this unsafe invironment that is being projected?

It is the impersonal and non conceptual illusery, fear.

Fear deep down created during childhood that gives us the impression that we live in a hostile world.

If we live in a hostile world? It's not free. We cannot be ourselves. We do not give ourselves to love.

If we do not live in a free world. We have to steal, lie, and all kinds of destructive things because we cannot trust. How can we trust in God? How can we trust the Universe?

If we don't feel safe.

We won't let go.

To be vulnerable you have to feel safe.

To be vulnerable is to be open.

To receive, because you trust.









Thank you God for this understanding.


When you've got supressed anger.

There is no way. Absolutely no way. That this can come out and be ventilated in a low affective manor.

It ain't gonna happen. You might think it happened because the topic and descriptions where there but sorry.

If you are pist off. If you are angry. If you feel mistreated there is only one way to express that and that is letting it all out in anger!

Anger expressed is not calm and relaxed. That is not suppressed anger being expressed. This does not involve hurting anyone but it can involve hurting objects. Like a baseball bat and a log in the woods. Or perhaps some furniture outside in the yard. Because you know what happens if you don't? It gets bottled up. Unexpressed to turn into an uncontrolled frustration dangerous to yourself and to others. This is probably the biggest and most idiotic decisions ever made by anyone. That it's not alright to become angry.

What you really want is to say and express exactly how you feel! And there is actually nobody to consider taking offense.

You don't have to scream at or hurt somebody. Want you want is to stand up for yourself and express your perception and experience.

You want to state that 'I don't think this is OK!' Because as long as you don't express that. You are by implication telling yourself that it is. And that is really what's hurting you.

Detta är min barnbok för vuxna. Klicka på bilden för en gratisversion i PDF format! Klicka på knappen under för att lyssna på mig läsa upp den på YouTube.

Detta är en mindre bok på 82 sidor som innehåller insikter i livet gällande kärlek och universella lagar. Om spiritualitet och därmed känsla och kärlek.

Med öppet hjärta och fritt sinne så streamade jag detta. Texter om att finna hem igen. Home is where the heart is. Tack för att du finns!

Do You



I decided to release old projects as a part of highlighting my knowledge and insights into emotions & frequencies.

Just like my social interactions, my cooking and consumption of expansive information a healthy blend of various flavors are included. Please help yourself!

Pun intended. I mean help! No punish.. Aww.. You get it.

Please click the image!

Belief, Manifestation & Harmony.

What you wish to manifest has to be in relation to what you believe is possible.

It also has to be in harmony with a world of love. You will not receive anything destructive from a belief in love.

If you receive tanks, rocket launchers, fighter jets and handguns you do that because you believe that's good and in harmony. And it is if you believe that killing other human beings is a fantastic way to go about your life.

That is why we have situations of war. That's why bullys get equipped for destruction.

Because they have a strong belief that this is the right way to go.

The universe doesn't judge. God gives us everything we want as long as we focus our energy in the direction of our desires. And that in harmony with either a lovesong or an armychant. I believe in a world of love so I sing songs like 'In your eyes' by George Benson in the shower. Perhaps you sing something else?

You think lovesongs are cheezy? Well.

Hate stinks more than Brie Du Meaux.


What you can see inside your minds eye is already yours. It's something bound to happen.

What it takes to make that happen is co-creation with the Youniverse. You have to come in alignment with yourself beyond any contradictions. And when that is done you supernova with your creation attracting it all together.

What is easy for you to see in your minds eye is very much dependent on your energy.

Try to visualize something very loving and spectacular when you are very exhausted.

That becomes difficult. But try to visualize something instinctive, like intimacy or eating

junk food or getting angry over something small. Now that's easy. All power!

That is the equivalent of masculine energy.

You need a lot more energy to produce magnetism. All love.

Which is the equivalent of feminine energy.

Spend wisely. Both girls & boys.

All you have to do is to believe!

What that means is when you feel a possibility of something becoming a manifested reality.

Entertain that thought.

When you feel the opposite like it's never gonna happen.

Don't DON'T entertain that thought. You see?

If you are not in the place of feeling great about your visions and dreams do something else.

Don't bring destructive entertainment into your system. That's called a virus. Better leave it be.

Let things cook by itself. Come back when you add seasoning instead of poison.

When it's done it's done.

But until then:


A good feeling thought is about feeling good about yourself, and to get away from ego I suggest that it includes someone else. Because what ultimately makes us feel good in a balanced and harmonious way is something creating happiness and gratitude for everyone and not just you alone. So I would like to give a personal example of a good harmonious feeling thought I have from my own life.

I was in a financial situation where I didn't have any money at all. But I had some soda cans that I could recycle and get a receipt for giving me the opportunity to purchase something. Now they weren't that many actually and I wanted a Pepsi at the moment costing 9 SEK. The recycling gave me exactly that. But as I held the can in my hand I came to realize that they add another 1 SEK to the cost of the soda for the actual recycling. So I was 1 SEK short. Beside me in the store stood a girl who was about 10 years old looking at getting a soda herself. So I turned to her and said 'Excuse me but do you want this? You can have it' and handed her the receipt. She looked at me like I was giving her a million bucks! Her eyes was just sparkled with gratitude as she said 'For real! Are you sure!?'.
I have never experienced so much gratitude from something so seemingly little and thus creating a life long memory for me as I made her day and perhaps her life richer. Not from the sum of money but from the act of kindness. Thank you so much sweetheart. You made my day and you made me feel good about myself, all from grace. I will cherish this forever.

All of this given we both felt good actually made me feel great. I know we both felt great. If we both felt good we feel great together. Funny enough is the fact that when I only feel good about it the circle is complete for me alone. But for both of us we share this moment together as the energy of positivity is in full effect. As this is nothing physical, not material but all energy you could say that my circle and hers interconnected. Thus creating the infinity symbol. Say Watt!?

Alone I might feel as if I am God. But together it makes us both feel Good.

Love is great!

I made an artwork about this to remind me of the experience. To remind me of the little things. To remind me about what's important. To be grateful.

(A new receipt of course. Pretty Interstellar huh!)

Hint: A good feeling thought is not feeling sorry for yourself. That's not joy.

The 101:


We know what feels good.

Alignment, tuning, general state of being, frequency, attitude, mindset. Whatevs..

If you ain't gettin' it. Please listen with your heart. Anything material is temporary and can therefor not be true. Something true is infinite and never dies. Like your true self: Soul.

Please listen to my guidance in order to 'Return home'. Click the synth!

Making the world a better place:

A world of love is a world that is safe, secure, supporting, accepting & thus loving.

To be able to be all that the world has to stop doing all of the things contradictory to that. Are you up for the task of fixing all of this? I promise you. It will shred you to pieces. You are only responsible for yourself. And that is your perception of yourself. If you perceive the world as unsafe, insecure, not supporting & not accepting and thus not loving.

It's because you have contradictions within yourself that is being projected. Why can somebody live in a hut with just enough to get by and be joyful and happy? Because they feel this appreciation from inside and don't let the outside environment tell them who they are. They are safe, secure, supporting & accepting & thus loving in relation to themselves. They do not compare themselves to others & feel gratitude for being alive.

Feel grateful for everything. Beginning with your breath.

Close your eyes. Love yourself.

When you feel strong & true in all aspects of your human being.

You are. The receipt doesn't lie. Authenticity reflected.

The biggest lesson I have learned from my parents, myself & the world.

Is that people justify being a certain way, when really they are not behaving like that.

It's never what you think. It's what you feel to be true.

For that to happen. You keep being humble & grateful.

This is something that needs maintenance.

When you do that you don't condemn yourself and get angry,

because you stay harmonious but also feel others.

Not to let them tell you who you are. But to be able to

put yourself aside a minute. To make everybody feel better.

We don't fight. We love.

When we love, everybody gets to share their experience without judgement.

You see this is how we set ourselves free. When we narrow everything down to

what we ourselves can take responsibility for. And let ourselves off the hook.

You're not bait. You're a salmon loving the challenge of swimming upstream for the young ones.

Feel in to the situation if it doesn't feel right? And ask yourself what you can change within you?

Or what you can say to make somebody else feel better. Without judgement.

This will come naturally.

When you do all this to yourself.

When you try to act loving?

That is all Ego. Know love by being love. Now you don't have to act.



Do you really wanna save the world? Or do you wanna be the world saviour?

Cross your heart?

Or be crucified?




You don't have to do anything.

Anything in life can be done with a gap between your teeth.

The only time that your teeth should be touching each other is when you chew or smile.

When your tongue rests in the roof of your mouth it will give you an elevated emotion.

With your eyebrows slightly up you are exited and expecting something magical.

You can do whatever you want. And that my friend can be exactly the same as

what it is that you're doing today.

Life is yours. Please enjoy it.

Doing ANYTHING with a frown will

only communicate your destruction.

You don't HAVE to work yourself so hard.

It's not about the achievement.

It's about the experience.

That YOU feel.

We share.



Don't ever again take a leak wearing tight pants

and a t-shirt you had when you was 9 trying to catch the bus

leaving in 2 minutes 5 minutes from where you are all the while

figuring out your past and predicting the future.

If you got that problem?

Go see the dentist.


I like summer. Don't you? All the beautiful nature with a perfect breeze and everything feels easy and effortless. More so than a snow blizzard or whipping rain during fall season. But that is beautiful to! And what makes us appreciate everything comes from within. When we are collected and summed up inside. No more agitation. When we feel really good there really isn't much that can make anything seem bad. Right? Like it's all good in the hood!

So the summary. The conclusion and collective message is to find summer within.

All you have to do is to feel good about yourself. And that is done by letting go of everything stating the opposite because that will generate feelings of disease. When you feel disease you don't feel good about yourself. Let go of all the connections you keep with others that make you feel bad. Those are lies and misunderstandings. Don't invest in a negative return.

If you wanna invest in stocks you don't keep investing in a stock that goes down?

Let go of what doesn't make you feel good.

All the way 'til "summer" and then it doesn't matter that much.

Because when you're free. You're free.

And as a bonus. All things now come to you.

Because you've made yourself attractive.

If you are safe and secure within yourself you don't have anything to defend.

You won't take offense. Because you don't identify with something destructive, not even a destructive thought inside your own mind. Love doesn't need defence.

It needs de-fencing. Freedom.

Truth hurts.

And the truth is that you've abused yourself for years and that got manifested in all your relationships. With money, with family, with children, with work.

All from the source that is you. You are in relation to everything else.

Everything starts at home. You're resonsible for yourself.

You will not feel good about yourself if you keep doing wrong.

Doing starts by thinking & feeling. The rational mind is not home.

Home is where the heart is.

But the mind is needed in order to balance it out.

So what is created and manifested is for both me and you.

All heart: Submission

All Mind: Domination

Because you know what?

Either way. It's forever about harmony.

It's about coming together from the inside out.

You gotta feel in to it. That's why it's called making sense of  it all.


Rasism has never been about anything physical.

It's a "We/Them" mentality that stems from imbalance within the individual having difficulty understanding themselves. It's a war internally between the masculine and the feminine aspects of one individual human being that is projected onto the material screen of life.

When you become a hippie wearing a suit with the tie around your head whilst barefoot you are in balance. (Trying to paint a picture here)

The left side is rational (5%) Material

The right side is emotional (95%) Spiritual

We are human. We are human beings.

Not robots. But we need to have structure to survive and to thrive. Like 5%.

Or else we live in the woods trying to build a fire from damp wood while our kids die from pneumonia. And the funny thing about that is the fact that this is actually a very black & white way of seeing things? The very same kind of thinking that we flip the finger?

Huh? How about that. A rigid hippie. All groovy inside but all broke 4 gravy outside.

I would probably say that somebody's living a lie and perhaps behaving a bit immature?

Both sides actually.


God, Universe, Soul, Inner Being, Truth, Positive, Expansion, Contraction, Plus, Minus, Happy, Sad.

You & Me. We and them.

All is one.

You are





What you are looking for. Is the one that is looking.

You cannot kiss your own lips.




Material = EGO - "Devil" - 5%

Spiritual = THE REST - "God" 95%

So you gotta be a little material but mostly spiritual.

It's all good though. The devil don't exist.

Devilish deeds do, from fear.

In survival mode.

Soul and EGO are both in center.

This is why it's important to have a spiritual relationship.

Or else the EGO will take over from you giving permission.

Permission to divide and rule from lack of emotional understanding.

The EGO will deceive you if you're passive. That's natural instinct.

It will do whatever it takes to survive. Even kill you.

Yes. It is intelligent(leman). The reason behind suicide statistics.

But not intelligence like its master. Whom lives in all of us.

Not only men.

You are not your thoughts

You are not your emotions

There are no good or bad people. Only loving or fearful behavior.

OK! Just a quick recap of how the mind is when in control:

You wake up at 11 in the morning on a Sunday, the neighbours got up at 8.

You say to yourself: It's so nice to sleep a little longer on the weekends.

My neighbours aren't intelligent enough to understand that.

You got up at 8 in the morning on a Sunday, the neighbours got up att 11.

You say to yourself: Well at least some of us get up and start the day!

They are so lazy slackin' off like that.


I got up at 8 today and my neighbours got up at 11. But that's OK because

I am a totally free spirit who doesn't care what others do.

So why'd ya make a big notice specifically regarding the circumstances?

It's not about the noticing. We notice things, it's natural.

The point is judgement. A comparison between you and them in regards to a current standard that often dictates something for your benefit in presenting a spectacular personality. Now this might seem harmless. But it's the same mind that divides nationalities and pushes individuals to suicide. It's the same mind that cannot feel happy for someone else just as it cannot feel happy, at all.


As you can see there is no hole in the trunk.

That's because the individual walking their life's path knows who they are.

They walk the path chosen for them in harmony with nature. You see it's like this:

The Psychological path:

This path lacks emotion when completely out of balance.

This path will do anything for success regardless of any form of emotion.

Like disregarding others feelings. All opinion.

The Emotional Path:

This path lacks logic when completely out of balance.

This path will do anything for success regardless of any form of rationality.

Like disregarding physical age. No opinion.

The Drive:

The drive is continuous, it's always there and always pass thru the heart.

This will give energy to your desires. Even if you are out of balance this will fuel your desire.

If your desire that originates from your root chakra doesn't follow the heart, destructive consequences

will occur. When thought or emotion gets the best of us.

Your Path:

Your path is driven by your source of energy passing thru the heart in alignment with your hearts desire.

When you know who you are and become courageous to follow this path in complete trust everything will work out fantastic. Because this is designed for you. This is all 4 U (Accepting, Responsible, Loving)

You are not needy (Empath, Neglect, Reactive) nor are you greedy (Psypath, Control, Reactive).

Both Empathic & Psycological is fundamental for a human experience

when in balance and in harmony with your soul.

Grateful + Humble = True

Not Superior nor Inferior

The Path of the Heart:


Your breathing does not have to follow the sequence intensity of what you are performing. Also being serious about what you do, does not imply not being happy. A smile and a slow steady breathing combined with awareness focused on the breath can together with rapid physical movement create something free from stress.

When the breathing syncs with the speed of the performance or subsides to make room for the performance is when stress is created.

Love is always the priority.

Love is not felt with other bodyparts than the heart.

Your heart will feel that and become sad.

Neglected authenticity.

Whatever kool idea. Whatever sensation or experience you have.

None of that. Actually nothing at all is possible without your heartbeat.

We seem to prioritize the mind and giving it too much credit for everything.

But the mind is dead without the heart. The heart needs to eat to or else it dies.

But it doesn't care so much for achievements and awards for different accomplished tasks.

No, it longs for gratidude. For you being grateful and in this way giving credit to whom

is actually number 1. See it from the outside in. You don't give credit to your feet for staying alive?

But you know what? The heart is not a competitor. So it will be totally fine with you feeling grateful

for your feet. And also everything else. Because of its capacity to only love and not divide.

It only makes it all function in total harmony. Something to be very grateful for.

I love you my sweetheart. Thank you.

Thank you for everything.

God is love.

Wanna know if something is loving? Ask your heart!

Like feeling grateful. You don't have to think about it.

I used to think about it.

And I used to say 'I am grateful'.

Like it was some sort of achievement or accomplished task.

Now I don't say that at all. I feel it.

Just like I'm sorry or I love you.

With focus and attention, feeling in my heart:

I say out loud:

I am sorry

Please forgive me

I love you

Thank you - For everything

Why is this important? To say it out loud?

Because it makes it official for the mind.

Something unofficial never happened.

Do you know somebody or maybe you have asthma yourself?

Did you know that this is a problem related to carbon dioxide?

The attack is preventing the individual from breathing but, it is the lack of carbon dioxide the creates the cramp.

The cramp is the primary cause not the inability to breath new oxygen.

So what does that have to do with anything regarding the fundamental message of this website?

Well, you see that energy needs to flow. Love needs to flow freely inside your system.

Love = Blood that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide.

When you are tensed this gets prevented causing inflammation and disease.

So if you can breath rapidly thus increasing the level of carbon dioxide in your system you will get more relaxed.

I won't go into any techniques right now. But I'll leave a link in the title to someone professional.

The more relaxed you are, the more everything flows. And I mean everything.

Like your connection to the universe.

Work of art.

Journaling is a fantastic way to open up to more creativity. I write a lot of poetry about beautiful things

and that makes me feel more love which makes me appreciate life even more. I also create other things like this framed artwork beside the journal. It doesn't really matter what you do as long as you feel good about it. The more good you feel the more you will get on all levels of feeling good in life. Have you ever heard someone say 'That person is a real work of art"?

Well, you ARE! Everyone is, and all we create is pieces of artwork that is helpful in us understanding ourselves. It can be super dark and perceived as evil but that only becomes that in contrast to love. So we learn and become wiser. Hopefully.. I love beautiful things so I create that. Without thinking about it.


As human beings we make it thru. Even the worst scenarios possible like war.

Why is because we are adaptable and have the ability to build up a tolerance.

When life comes at us we have to! But what I would like to give a perspective on is revolution.

Revolve and begin again with a new mindset and focus on what is actually loving..

I know if I drink coffee and increase my consumption I will eventually need more coffee to get

the same effect as the previously 1 cup of coffee gave me. I've built up a tolerance.

Do we need to get out in the streets and set the world of fire, literally?

No. But maybe you need to step back for a minute regarding things on your life?

Start a soft & kind revolution inside yourself to get a clear picture of what love is?

The world will never in a quadrillion tetrahedrons become a world of love

by you waiting for it. The world is us. The world is you.

You create this reality.

When you make the choice.

Things begin to change


Imagine your subconscious being empty of love. Just clear content. Like the bottle on the left. Now imagine you add on drop of love at the time changing your subconscious content into something more loving. It would take some time to change the general state to become full of passion. That's why you have to be consistent. And that is absolutely wonderful. Because guess what?? If you only had to state and declare stuff one or two times with great emotion, you'd be dead by now from having thoughts of discontent. Dissed in your own content. Keep speaking truth and love over your life and everything in it. Now you change your world from the inside out. From the Flanders plain, to the pretty pink. Okelidokeli?

You are spirit. So be spiritual. You live in a material world. So live a material life from a spiritual fondation.

Everything is material in this human experience! Everything! Including your kids and husband/wife/Boy/Girlfriend.

The food you eat! The car you drive! The street you walk on! It's all material. A pen and paper for God's sake!

But the people are more spirit than material so you treat them that way.

What am I trying to say??


Do NOT deny the material world.

You will eventually deny food and shelter.

Can you see that?

You have to want it!

You have to!!!

Or else you die.


And by then you WILL be all spiritual.

Your goal should be to become healthy & strong..

With the ambition to provide service for other people.

Not the other way around. That's called care taking.

And this is what you do when the above is checked.

Because you have to take care of yourself first.

Or you'll be the one in need of it.

Don't give away the only life jacket you've got.

That's foolish. Everybody's got one.

That's YOU. Being compassionate towards yourself.

Making the machine, no longer master.

But a loving servant.

So you can be there for others.





(Not childish, because kids forgive and love again fast)

Peoples Court.

Whatever judgement you hold on to will create guilt inside you.

If I give you something that I really want to keep it will create an invisible thread between you and that something. Because you didn't want to let go of it. That's how love works when it didn't turn out the way we expected it in relation to other human beings. We gave our love. Maybe the little love we felt we had. So we end up with a negative balance on the love account. We end up in guilt. It's all a reflection of the threads uncut. Threads of condemnation and judgement. Sure they hurt us. Sure it was unfair. But truth be told. We put ourselves in that situation. But the reality of that is:

How could we've known?

How could we possibly have known that we create our own reality from the general & emotional state of being and that manifested itself as various consequences involving other human beings? To grasp all of that in the present moment with all of the different impressions simultaneously is impossible. If we could. We don't need a life story.

But maybe now that you've been given a greater understanding you might care more for yourself and the emotional inner world that creates the outside one.

So we can experience a love life story.

Starring: Errbody.

Jag är i mig själv kär. Because of how much I care.

I love you Lars, you love-detective bastard.

Feeling love inside, in love is not Ego

When there is no attachment

Just feeling


Listen to this! Only God can judge me. Well the universe, I.E God cannot judge.

Only you are capable of that. As a human being with your evaluating faculties.

So please stop hitting yourself.

(IN)UNDER THE HOOD. There's a lot of love!

What eventually got reduced to become my free maintenance manual was originally raw and uncensored expressions written down as means for me to understand my own universe. These has some harsh language, tons of emotions and some humorous nuancing inside. Please enjoy them for free! Perhaps they can expand your mind further on your life's journey! It's all good in da hood as long as we focus on the love.  Please download my sketches below! HEY! I wrote a book once! That's in there too.


I am not saying and suggesting that using harsch language inappropriately is to be encouraged.

But sometimes shit has to come out and that means that when things get stiff we might need a little cursive.

F-REEDOM is the answer. It's all in plain sight.



We are making a mess out of a perfect song. Everything in the smallest of detail is perfect.
We just need to tune ourselves to that frequency. The heart chakra is called Anahata and is centered in relation to the other chakras.
There are three below and three above just like the keys on the piano representing the base notes for one octave. Or the base colors.
Or the basic foundation of anything! It's all an expression of the same thing. It's all energy and vibration. What that translates to in our human experience is feeling. So if we feel harmonious. We create an environment outside coming from within. Why we aren't harmonious is because we are adaptable to our environment in order to survive. But that will forever be out of tune?
So people of planet earth! Can we retune please?

What business are you in?

Construction or destruction? Actually we are all in the destruction business as we wish to demolish anything that isn't constructive in relation to ourselves. Like an identity formed under pressure to fit in. That is what we wish would self-destruct.

And further more this is also what we wish as a collective as we emphasize and sabotage to the point of near complete failure. We KNOW what is right. But we keep making a very strong case around the opposite until we listen. We as individuals have a personal rock bottom. And so does humanity in a larger perspective. The world is fine people and always will be.

We need to save ourselves. One by one until that message reaches global controls. Light switch on.


In school. Do you know why you flunked the test?

It's not so much about the effort as it was attending & being present in class.

You subconscious mind has the ability to soak everything up without rational engagement.

Things are always on the move in the universe of love. Energies from stars and planets assist us

in perfect harmony to help us become free. Free from the burdens of a material life and free to live in love. I haven't watched any conventional news in almost 10 years now.

Inspirational Links:


Everybody knows deep inside, but some are blocked.

By fear impressed from the world. It's so sad.

When you don't like yourself deep inside, a job will become something you have to do.

When you enjoy yourself you can enjoy what you do. Then it doesn't matter that much.

Or you feel strong enough to pursue what you wish for. Come correct = Harmonious

Men & Women are not equal and never will be.

We are electro boy & magneto girl. Naturally.

But we are equal in value.

A rational mind can't tell things apart, it just mashes everything together.

It can't see that. Because it doesn't feel. So we have a lot to learn from each other. To create harmony in every moment. Not just as a general statement.

The General needs emotions to lead the army of love.



All of this was created from what you've always showed me. Growing up things didn't always turn out for the best. But I understand that it isn't easy being a parent. And it isn't easy being both a mom & dad.

I did all of this for us. So we could be closer and understand each other.

I wipe my own tears mamma! I love you. Thank you 4 life.

I make it!

God is love. God is free. God is boundless. God is unconditional. God is forever giving. God loves you.

God wants everything not needing anything. God first.

Just like your heart.

Anything that creates disharmony will be yourself being out of tune with nature.

You're a part of an angelic choir that always sings in perfect harmony. If you participate in a choir and choose to sing a different note that is not in accordance with what everybody else sings it will sound false and out of pitch. But you don't have to worry about anybody else. You don't have to worry at all. You just have to stay in tune with yourself. How you do that is by staying true & courageous in relation to your heart. No fear. It's all about love. Experience life here and now. No history and no expectations.

Life will give itself to you. Because you are life.

In harmony.


Is created from a nonjudgemental distance and perspective. Completely absorbed and involved won't present any clarity. So to gain clarity and to find the true nature of anything you need exactly that. A nonjudgemental distance and perspective. If you want to learn about yourself. The one and only foundation to further understand everything else? You need this in relation to what has habitually become a definition of who you perceive yourself to be. A moment in time. That's all. I advice everyone to stand back. Create just a little bit of distance. To gain perspective. That doesn't have to be a cave in the Himalayas. It can be in your own couch with a vanilla scented candle and some introspective traveling. A quest to find truth. To find you. (If the couch and candle is missing, maybe we can help provide that for each other)


If you value something you take care of it.

You cannot give away what you do not have. So it becomes difficult to enjoy life if you do not value yourself.

If you don't feel worthy you will not take care of yourself and you will not give yourself everything.

Everything is a reflection of how your perceive yourself.

If you think you are worthy but donesn't receive more life?

It's because you aren't feeling grateful. Grateful comes first always.

We cannot attract and receive more of life if we can't feel grateful for life itself.

Feeling was the sectret. Gratitude is something we have to practice.

Because we get used to things and take them for granted.

Like ourselves being here experiencing life.

That every moment, is a gift.

What makes you feel worthless is a series of mistakes and a lack of purpose.

That will put you in a perception of being a burden and simply taking up space that

you're not worthy of taking. The mistakes you did was part of your journey into becoming.

We cannot unfold and develop without experience. This is how that happens.

Your purpose is to make yourself feel good about yourself by connecting to the source of creation.

Staying in harmony with the present moment on purpose to reset. Of being not doing.

Come back to who you are. Not what you do or did.

Now you can do anything. Out of peace & love.

Instead of constantly seeking approval.

You are good. You are God.

You are love.

You are.

But if you keep treating yourself to unhealthy options, then you are behaving contradictory to who you are.

You are not being loving in relation to yourself. Be love to give love. To yourself.

Stay true.

Return to source. Not your mom.

But the feminine inside you. Then take action using the masculine. Don't rely on your dad. You have to balance both, listening to your heart. Now you succeed.

My theory on diabetes and heart disease

and also the vicious spiral of depression:

The mind needs fuel to function. It drives on glucose which is simple sugars extracted from your consumption.
What you know is harmonious and true is built in your system. This is not an opinion of any kind. It's nature.

So when you grow up with whomever takes care of you. They will "give you love".
But maybe they do not know this because they haven't become in balance learning about who they really are and thus gives away their interpretation of love? That will create contradiction inside you given that you've not yet developed cognition. Meaning that you feel that something is off, but is forced to accept it anyway.
But you can't go against nature?

So you will become philosophical.
You are trying to make sense out of this contradiction that you really don't understand.
"They treat and say they love me, but I am experiencing something else?"

This will demand more glucose because the brain is working really hard to figure everything out!
As that happens the more insulin has to be produced and thus creating (over time) diabetes.
From that a sugary diet becomes satisfactory because it brings back the energy lost from all excessive thinking.
And from that diet we work the mind and the pancreas even more. Also we live in an emotional jojo from everything which creates and unstable thought/emotional experience giving us depression. The heart will struggle from all these oscillations creating cardio vascular problematics and potential heart attack. A broken heart. From energy but maintained from consumption &

accepting unhealthy options generally speaking calling them love.

What was once a self-regulating system has become dependent from what originally was a lie

and lack of understanding. You cannot give what you do not have.

We all go thru life begining as free spirits learning about the identity created as we get older.

So some oscillation will occur and that is natural in the flux of life. But when we learn something completely

wrong from our care givers growing up it becomes.. Well. Not very caring at all.

All from difficulty being humble expressing the truth,

that we actually don't know and wish to learn what love is.

When we don't care. We might as well call it quits.

Because life becomes so tough. When infact it is beautiful.

When we know what love is.

Think it over. Feel it.


When we feel fear it creates pressure. Pressure to handle failure or pressure to perform.

How is it possible to feel pressure inside of us? If not from blood. And if not from blood pressure. Who has that capability? Yes. The heart. So this means when we do not trust the heart we feel pressure. Because we don’t want to do anything we feel we aren’t ready for. But that is also something we determine before it happens. Hence the pressure created. So if we can trust the heart we won’t feel the pressure as much. We can have complete faith in the challenges and performances coming up. The heart is compassionate & understanding. It doesn't force anything. Just a healthy little amount of pressure.


The best thing you can do in life is to take care of yourself. Life happens and creates contemplation, you've got things on your mind. You have expressions in need of coming out. That is just like a spa for your internal world. When you create. Whatever you do, is just like:

Taking a bubble bath

Doing your nails

Face mask

Mud bath

Nutritious food

Time off

For you heart and mind. For your interior.

The Movie

Why we’d rather watch a great movie is a misunderstanding regarding our own life.
When we drop judgement & evaluation and watch our life unfold, we enjoy it all happening with excitement and adventure instead of a panic perspective coming from an understanding that we have to achieve and control so much. We don’t. Life is happening for us. With a disaster mindset life becomes all but terrific. Terrorific perhaps. What we want is ready to come when we let it. And that takes a bit of courage as the mind has to drop control of the outcome. Everything is waiting for you! The happy ending is for everybody that believes in that. Expression is the key, create more of what you'd like to become you. Do that in relation to what you feel is right for you and the movie of life will reflect that back. Write your own script. The more you create the closer you come to what you want as you become it. Watch your life. Is it a slave flick?


Negative energy is very strong. And for a good reason.

To brake something down requires a lot more force than creating something new.

So the most important understanding about that is, if somebody is very beautiful, giving, loving and supporting.

They will also have aspects they need to work on that is perceived as negative. Let's say this individual behaves 95% positive

and 5% negative. They WILL BECOME that 5% when all focused energy is concentrated in that direction.

This is also true regarding everything in life. Negative energy is designed to compost, digest & brake things down.

And that is actually very loving and positive when applied in the right context.

But never in the context of another human being.

Things happen for a reason.

Something caused a reaction that can be traced back to some sort of trauma.

That reaction was self-defense from the uncomfortable and judgemental perception inside.

We have various convictions inside of us from which we wish to become free.

These convictions can be very small but accepted as a part of our identity, but they can also

be hereditary perceptions making us convinced we are & become as our ancestors.

And that conviction is a focus energy concentrated in that direction and as the

headline reads. We get what we focus on.

You are actually nothing.

And from that understanding you can become anything.

A clean slate. A new page. A clear canvas.

For you to choose what to create.

From focus on love.

On life.

If a child gets told with great amplitude and intensity regarding something they did wrong?

That will be impressed on the subconscious leading to convictions of being bad as a person.

It doesn't matter if you say positive things as that communication is softer and less intense.

Meaning we cannot yell to make somebody understand. We share it softly and kindly.

And with a slightly more intense delivery give praise for effort!


When things turn around we remember the hardships and the struggle. Things where sometimes very tough. But we can also see the absurdity in taking things too serious. There is absolutely nothing funny about a suicide. But making a little fun of ourselves will actually prevent it. Just to losen up in life and not live as if we need to perform perfectly all the time. It's like we've become incapable of singing a bit off pitch or missing a step while dancing. It's alright. It's PERFECTLY alright. I can create many things with a sincere ambition but also at times with no rules coming a conceptual framework of how things "should" be. You have to be able to laugh at yourself and be off pitch stumbling around having fun. Become a clown that falls on its face to make others as well as yourself happy. Humour is the spice of life. Without that we become IT. That's a different kind of clown. You can't and are not supposed to Auto-Tune anything.
It's just a kool effect. Don't take IT/Yourself so literally. Flextime.

Never become professional. It's a trap.

Stay free. Stay you. Said q.


Click the TV

Btw, I think you should get a bigger TV. Get a bigger one every month or so until you can't see the frame anymore. - Well. What's the point of that. It would be just like watching the world.

- Yeah. It's called life. Airs, stream, flows 24/7 starring you.

Don't snooze. You might wake up by the last season.

And by then missed out on everything.

I shoot I score!


No information?

If you await results there is a significant characteristic defining it. You don't know.

And when you don't know you have no control. When you have information you at least have the impression that you do. But all that is never the same as the finished product, the results. So when we feel out of control we tend to worry.

The antidote for worry is believing for a positive outcome, good results.

With faith we know that something fantastic will come our way as long as we don't worry.

And that is exactly what will create harmony within you thus attracting possibilities.

If you are patient there will come possibilities, if you are impatient things will become impossible.

A simple statement. A neutral declaration for personal use is.


Not, I am OK because or despite of.

'All is well' even though things look different.

If you can rest in your heartspace with these faithful statements,

you'll expect things to become better. And they will!

All from your vibration.

YE = You

SUS = Sostenuto

Keep a steady stream & maintain the vibration.

Things will begin to happen.

God is neither believing nor doubting.

God is accepting. Accept God.

Know God. God is love.

Have faith.

...hey.. If I was on a path of harmony. Wouldn't I get side tracked if I went too slow or too fast?...

I better get the feel for it. Don't wanna have to rely on a pacemaker!

Or is it peacemaker? Whatever. Better keep the pace.


People have a really hard time being equanimous. They seem to feel below or on top of other human beings all the time.
That is only possible from evaluating their own position in relation to somebody else. Often in personal accomplishments like status & financial success. Most people on planet earth cannot accept where somebody is or where they themselves are. This is all because they are identified with their thinking mind whom by nature constantly evaluates their surroundings and environments for potential threats. And that is wonderful when it comes to poisonous berries and tigers, but not for other human beings. This is where your intuition should be boss. Your heart. Like always. From this perspective of love you accept everyone where they are including yourself completely without comparison. Because the heart does not judge and evaluate so there is no competition. The majority of people will say that they do NOT do this. But that is a lie. The majority is not aware. Because the majority is not truthful in relation to themselves.

Sweet = Kind

I believe that we eat sweets as comfort because it gives us the impression that we are kind to ourselves. I think it’s correct in a way, but feel that what we really seek is to actually behave more kindly to our mistakes and efforts. To be more sweet in relation to ourselves and not so hard and demanding. But as our mind is rational and material this becomes something of an outside in approach. When in fact everything is about the inside out. Perhaps if we can be more sweet and not so judgmental inside, we won’t need so much sweets outside. Other than each other sweetcheeks 💕 Sweden has a candy obsession. And also tremendous amounts of judgement.

Crack comes in many forms.

When we mix sexual content in the general context that involves children we mess up their minds. We cannot use sex to sell.The world has become so focused on sex that it suffocates emotions, or more likely has become a product from it. Sex and children is not supposed to mix, at all. But we do that all the time because it is available everywhere. Sex is beautiful and natural. But has its place in a context of maturity. Have you seen this thing called the internet? It's extremely immature & irresponsible to talk about sex in the presence of children. We can talk about love instead. It's not a message of love to fill your lips inspired by you know what. If you state that this is not the origin of this behavior = Hypocrite & Kids+Sex Context Supporter. Sex is mature intimacy, not for public display.

Having a beautiful time together in complete vulnerability does not make anyone a dirty prostitute.

If I feel that I am in love. And my daughter feels that she is in love. And we do something loving together. Perhaps we create something. Are we making love? Would that imply that me and my daughter are making love? SEX IS NOT LOVE. WE MESS UP EVERYTHING WHEN WE SAY THAT IT IS.
We can't juggle these things like slang. It's too close to intimacy. We ARE that literal. All of us.

Did you know that Windows & OSX is an app? Yeah! The entire thing is one big app. There is something referred to as DOS behind it. It's the root code that never fails. It is what everything is built upon from that stable foundation. This is your primal code. This is primitive. Native. And something like sex that is embedded in us for reproducing cannot get a virus. If that code gets a virus in the back of everything. In the root of all! All other apps will become infected. Your folders and icons wil all look like peepee's and ginas. And that is all you'll see in yourself and others. But you want love!! And this will hurt you and others because of a viral code. But it's negative you see. It makes people do all sorts of crazy things. And just like anything addictive and destructive it is trying to tell you how much that fire burns. So it will get more intense meaning lower ages, weird stuff including things that are condescending. Degrading behaviors. No end in multiple partners. Because this is your system trying to tell you to reboot. Back to love. Reset. And KNOW WHAT LOVE IS! Which is again NOT SEX. The more intimate something is in relation to ourselves that we introduce something filled with a need for more acknowledgement. We kill love. Love is to be seen and touched in the heart. To love somebody's presence, smile laugh. At the core. At the root. Their unique DNA of who they are. Like you with you. Now you can do whatever you want. As long as the root ain't sick. *Codecough*


The one thing that keeps us stuck as individuals and as a collective is identity. To identify with some kind of conceptual idea. The harder we do that the more we restrain ourselves and exclude other options and possibilities. The hardest thing a human being can do is to find peace and solitude in freedom. And that is all we all wish for deep inside. We also want a world of love that is not sexual. We don’t want sex in all relationships. So with that said. If you build from the ground up with a sexual identity you are by definition coming from a sexual foundation. What do you expect will happen? Sex is not love. To claim and to emphasize your identity as being a foundation of sexuality will destroy youth. Completely. Contradictory thoughts that is not a part of human evolution in a natural unfolding will be introduced and hurt the mind. What you do sexually and with whom you do it with is your adult business. No shame, no guilt, it’s all alright. It’s all a matter of taste and preference. But not never ever an identity. Nothing is.

You are not born AS A SEXUAL BEING. Everything is not SEX.

The one thing to identify with that makes a world of love is… drumroll…… LOVE! Do the math.


Perhaps a heart foundation in total acceptance but without anything sexual as a definition of love? Just an idea.

We might just see less child abuse? Let’s give it a shot!

’Shot thru the heart! No-one to blame! Let’s give love.. A GOOD NAME!’

Any form of relationship implies that we are in relation to each other.

Here I am. There you are.

We have some sort of attraction and feel that this relationship could get closer. We get closer in relation to each other.

We become good friends that might want to hug each other because we like each other so much. Maybe this will lead to us kissing because we like each other so much. And the last stage of the physical aspect could be us having sex. What we first connect with is soul. What deepens the relationship is more soul. When we love each other so much that we want to be as close as we possibly can we let our hearts touch with our naked bodies. So I feel that by living life with great importance regarding sexual identity will discard the soul. We are not supposed to start anything material ending in soulful. It’s the wrong order of any manifestation. We don’t get the highest experience from the least amount of engagement. And I don’t mean marriage. If we stop focusing so much on sex we will actually start seeing each other. As we will begin to see ourselves. Soulfully. That connection is more of a continuous supernova rather than the little firecracker between your legs for 10 seconds. I am first and foremost a loving & accepting human being. A good friend. That’s what I identify as. Whoever I see and what we do is private and up to us. I don’t have to scream that in the streets to feel proud. It’s alright to be with who you want. It doesn’t matter.

Imagine if we had parades on that.

Actual love. Not sex.

A loving/supporting/accepting & soulful human being parade. Finding acceptance in yourself is about being free from judgement within. It’s about accepting yourself in total, to be in love from the inside out. That’s not sexual. That would make everything so Gay! Because that means happy. It’s a shame to cover that word in sexuality making it synonymous to be cheerful and full of joy once you have intercourse with somebody of the same sex? All the colors in the world! All the happiness and all the love! Is NOT sexual. You have the right to be with the one you love. But you cannot talk about sexuality with immature children. That is sick. Like releasing sexual content online visible for all. (Just imagine the damage when this is also degrading). Like making the concept of accepting yourself and coming to terms with who you are as sexual??? That’s not right. Do what ever you want with whomever as long as it is consensual and mature. But keep the kids out of that. I like singing. I like to dance. I like Disney princesses. I like Celine Dion. I like baking and I like to talk. I really love girls. I am sexually attracted to women.

I am happy with that and I actually feel gay!

Do you know why you don’t look good without lip fillers? Because you think and feel so.

When you accept and carry yourself with acceptance and deep love for who you are, that’s hot. That’s magnetic. That’s. REAL.

Well! To conclude this section.. what I am trying to say is that creating an identity with a sexual foundation will become the primary intention of your human being. A sexual core from which everything else emanates and manifests. I believe this is what mainstream commercialism has done because it triggers us the most in our primitive DNA. But we all want a world of love and for that to happen we cannot glue sex and love together and to be free we cannot identify so hard become solid statues crying out for freedom in an ever changing always flowing universe. You can be a woman attracted to women. Or a man attracted to men.

But at the core. You are a loving and compassionate human being who accepts and adores yourself as this is the only way for you to give this to somebody else. You don’t have to have sex during your entire lifespan. You can still be a human being all the way. I AM - Is what you identify with. I AM a human being and I am ATTRACTED to women. That is a choice/taste and a behavior. Very different.

Just like: I did wrong. So I AM a failure. Nah..


I did good. And I AM a success! Yessss!!!

What is right or wrong? What is mature and consensual. What is enjoyable. What makes life good for you. What is constructive.

That I identify with!

An over sexual world is destructive and kills love. It creates a need for superficial acknowledgement. And it has no limit. We are creatures of habit. Trust me.. it will get worse if we don’t change this trend.

Let’s go back and listen to nature. Naturally.

Soul attention. Please. Heartfelt.

Children are crying, children are dying.

At the age of 7.. and 45..

Maybe they can learn from each other. They seem to be at the same place in life. I don’t mean that in a condescending way. Maybe the ”7 year old” needs a hug and care inside that 45 year old. That ain’t physical. I am NOT trying to be funny.

Somebody accepting and loving themselves are accepting and loving themselves. That’s just the way it is. By then maybe all you need is a new haircut and a new eyeliner instead of ”corrective surgery”. No need to change what is beautiful and adorable. If you carry yourself and don’t compare yourself to Barbie & Ken.

You know they are plastic right?

Do you want a 7 year old girl/boy in a material world full of comparison to accept themselves in the context and foundation of sexual intercourse and masturbation? Or would it be better for everyone to emanate from soul. Something a rational and material individual does not acknowledge behaving like a robot.

A sexually fixated and perverted robot. On/Off. In/Out. No colour. No feelin' it.

Yet promoting "The Flag", with pride.

It doesn't matter if you add a catchy melody to it, if you ain't getting this you´re singing a sick tune.

The best for all is to not be identified sexually at all since that is not who anyone of us are.

And just to put things in perspective. If you have sex once a day for 10 minutes? That’s 10 minutes out of 1440 minutes which is 24 hours. That's 0,694%. And you wish to identify and lead with a sexual identification? So the rest which is a majority is nothing or.. what? If you haven’t got any experience of soul connection then you have no experience of the core of who you are. As you aren’t aware of this you will inevitably be confused. Searching in the periphery for answers.

Why is this important? Well living a lie is destructive and wrong. Naturally.
Being with someone you currently feel sexually attracted to whomever that is? Fine.

If you freak out over this like it means that we are gonna start having sex with whomever and wherever all the time in some sort of sexual freedom orgy? You are very sex fixated. I would like to suggest that you learn more about life & love and how you could also choose to spend your time. Preferably in majority.

It's pretty light in that line-up! That is stiff dad's. Confused about relaxation with their daughters. Not in bed???? But beside it reading a beautiful story. Or dancing on the floor. Like they are supposed to with their wife and mother. Celebrating = THEIR FUCKIN' LIFE!

But that wasn't always the case. As I confused sex with love. And fled my emotions I had to deal with. The pressure becomes painful and a release is necessary. But that can happen thru the heart instead. If you want a relief physically. Do whatever you want but not in any condescending fashion.





Sometimes the music goes fast or slow. Sometimes the tone is right OR wrong? I depends on the song? And the scale? The song is who she is? And the scale is her age.

The tone can go up and down and side to side.

And that is something that she likes.

It can go to places she's only dreamed of and it will be fantastic!

All of that can be figured out.

It can take about 15 years.

Or! We can find a comfortable attitude in relation to something natural and talk about it????

Why not all together?

This could be about sex? But it doesn't have to?

It can be about sensuality?

It can be about emotions.

It can be in relation to maturity.

The perspective is yours. No matter what gender.

Freedom is not what da fuck ever on the streets!?

It's about getting to know each other. To make each other comfortable.

Whatever age and context that may be.

Still in motions to the wrong scale?


Zoom out!

See a bigger picture than what you have right infront of your eyes.

If you love it shaved? Completely?

Well.. Go to Neptune.

Come home when you've frozen your nutz off.

Maybe we can look at each other after 150 years.

..even the wrong look then..?


LIsten and listen good:





That doesn’t mean sexual arousal but sex/love confusion. If you act on that thinking that this behavior which involves arousal is perfectly alright? You are a pedophile.

Do you know why it's so interesting when somebody can control  the tone of their voice? Because it means that they can control themselves. The have mastered the art of being relaxed inside their own skin. No woman becomes a man, no man becomes a woman. Just in agreement with themselves. In a relaxed environment. No shame or guilt within themselves. And you know what? They now don't have to struggle so damn much. To prove who they are??? Because they are now true to themselves and not full of shit. Sing on stage? If you like that? Whatever. Enjoy yourself. But don't fake it! You'll kill yourself. So come when you're ready. Don't force anything. Take it easy and everything will feel amazing. Still not talking about sex!

Give me! Give me! Give me! = Masculine (Not male)

I Give! I Give! I Give! = Feminine (Not female)

When you are grateful & give thanks for everything in your life:

I receive! I receive! I receive! = Soul (true self)

Feel the pain? Give IT up! Give IT up! Give IT up! = Humble = I Give! I Give! I Give!

Feel like you can't control that first one?

Get out of your pants and into your heart.

And sing. Focus on your chest.

Just one tone, keep it steady.

Add vibrato if you can do that!

With a smile!

Here have a little brake :)

Let IT go.

The world is a kitchen.

How you choose to use the knife is thru the heart. Not literally.

Do you want justice?

Speak truth. Speak love. Speak understanding.

The world is yours. When you are ready to receive it.

That's the right way. Not when you try to take it. That is wrong.

When you do what's right. It can't go wrong.

Leave IT all to God. Sharpen your pencil.

Wanna learn them a lesson?

Help them find gratitude. Inside their heart.

Hands off. Be loving, Be Love.

You can only give that of which you have.

Learn that lesson first.

Excitement and fear are very close.

Be exited about life. Not death.

Don't fear success. You will not succeed afraid of the successor.

Whom is you! When you've made the change.

When you have converted. From lie to truth.

From ungrateful to grateful.

All is humility.

Give thanks. Feel grateful. Don't just think about it.

Support a world of love. From the inside out.

When all is well.

Ali swell. In Alice well.

When a lie we tell?

All is hell.

If you want to call me a prophet or a guru? I would not like that. You can call me a whore instead.

How about Leo? An honest guy who wants to be humble and happy. Anyone can do this. What I do is I feel dissonance in the alleged perfect. I call bullshit. But I don't just complain about it. I take action. To do that you need to be sensitive. And brave. True strength. All heart. No Guns and!? Just roses.

Paradise City.

All of this becomes very demanding when you are tired.

So I suggest that you get some rest. Find some peace for some time. Instead of shopping?

Walk in the woods and sit by the lake you know.. And find your natural breath.

Not all in with headphones listening to 'The Prodigy'.

They make a point! But harmonize with nature.

Then we dance!

This is extraordinary music but the message of peace is not found in:

Be good to yourself and others:

That's a party without politics:

You must do the inner work by yourself. You don't need anyone. But you can get help. So you wish for others. No need.

But a desire to be together. Keep it together. Be real. Be truth. Be humble. = Start The Dance. What's good?

Only you know that.. By feeling love and supporting that within you. No lies.

This human experience is reflective. When you live in fear you will receive more fear.

Until you understand that joy attracts joy. What you send out you get back. You get what you give.

That is called projection. When you don't understand fear, you cannot let IT go. So you get more and more lessons. They become tougher and tougher. Until you brake or die. That's humble or cease to exist in the physical. When you understand joy you will get more and more joy. Until you faint. In a good way because you forgot to breath along with your big smile. The success is not in the conquering being used by the rational mind. It's in the persuasive nature of the heart.

When you're in control and using your mind instead.

Can you see how it all is about sex? How that makes us question ourselves as we believe it to be love. Free your mind. Open your heart. Play like a child in a mature manner. It's not childish. That is derogatory. Kids are relaxed and believe anything. That's a dreamer. Don't force anything. That is reckless. And don't be a dream killer just because you didn't follow yours.

Like Bender Rodriguez said:

'There is no great love without great jealousy.

No jewels on that.. That's Jewelousy.

Did you make that into something racial or religious? What's the dark matter with you?

This is your true self (Soul) subconscious singing to you up front cognition cortex conscious (Ego). No hunt. No prosecution: Just a loving desire for you to blossom. Before you leave? This human experience. Call her God.

Catfish? Catchup? Slowdown? Presence.

Paragraph: It's all fun and games until you stab a child in the back while they sleep.

Enjoy the football. Enjoy The Eurovision Song Contest. Enjoy the JacUZI..

With a clear consciousness. IKEA bluebag full of pills can't help you.

Oh you watch murder series on streaming services??

You spend your time talkin' shit about others in-between?

You are grown up? What? You are mature? Sorry what?

You don't wanna get your hands dirty full of color?

They are blood red. You just can't see that.

As you've lost all connection despite your high speed WiFi.

THIS Doesn't Work!

Man! Woman & Child.

So what you need is, forgiveness & giving credit. Unlock your heart. Thank you so much for everything.

It's interesting that thinking straight is actually in balance. In the middle. Between the hemispheres. Where the hearts is! Along with some other stuff. In fear we protect ourselves and that includes the ego, the image. I don't know anything about anything. Although I know that 8.9 million SEK can be sued..I mean used to create a crater of love around oneself! What I do know for sure without a shadow of a doubt is my hearts communication. I don't need (interestingly enough) a spirit level to feel that. Home is where the heart is. I like home improvement. And I love women! Ah finally spring! When the snow melts away and both the flowers blossom and the dogshit reveals itself. A beautiful time of the year. Feels free!

I love women because they wanna do everything everywhere! They have no fear.

Like travel the world and try all kinds of foods and listen to all kinds of music!

In freedom of course. And they give it all up for love. For love.

For love. Hello.. Echo echo echo...Techno? Yeah! For dancing.

I would love to have young girls walk up to me saying: You can do anything! ANYTHING.

And I would say: Really you would let me do that sweety! What are you interested in?

What are your dreams honey? Can I help you with anything? Can I inspire you in some way?

You said anything right? Can I assist you in making your wildest dream come true?

Maybe you want to help Tigers in India? Sweetheart. I know a guy with 8.9 million!

The most powerful thought

Is a thought of love. And a thought of love is a in a state of harmony. When you are in equanimity and at peace, accepting what is.

You’re not craving nor are you desiring.

You simply want it and if you can’t have it that is fine also. That is a wish from the heart trusting the heart. A very loving thought completely in faith regarding a more suitable outcome than what was initially requested. Humble. Grateful.
Accepting & receiving. No push. No pull.

Why it is the most powerful thought is because it let’s creation become rather than denying it or forcing it. Just let it happen as this is the best way possible. For as a stroke of your brush painting on a canvas is for a wave of events sweeping change across a world making it more lovely. A small stone. A big mountain. It’s all one. And the same. Just a different perspective.

Trust. Expect miracles only not at all specific. Attached to an outcome is immediate suffering.

We can't starve or fight our way to peace. We get what we give.

We get what we prescribe. We get what we create.

The heart doesn't require strict obedience. It just wants what you want. The best possible outcome while staying close friends.

What the section above defines just to be clear:

Letting inspiration come by not holding on to the rational mind being the creator. It's not. It's more of the tool to create from inspiration. We don't think forth inspiration. We don't create inspiration. We GET inspired. That's a receiving. Not an achieving. That's why we should be grateful. And not take personal credit. We create nothing without inspiration. All I can take credit for is my personal touch. Thank you.

It's like you think of a title for a book. And as you are writing it comes to you along the way.

Or perhaps in one big gift and all you have to do is to write it down. Either way. That was inspiration, not you.

You didn't think it, you received it.

Left 2 Right                :                Center                :               Right to Left



If I was literally interpreting a perceived mystical communication I might get the impression that my way out and onward given the instructions that anything is possible might make me try to continuously walk thru the walls instead of the door. But I get it! Some(non-body) can do that as they in-fact are 100% spiritual. A human being is! In essence but not in totality. Please respect that. Even honor that!

Let's look at the similarities. It's all in the numbers. It's all correct.
Adding up to a:

Non Zero Sum Game

First off! The Kids!

I've always been inspired growing up seeing children in Africa on TV running long distances to school with a smile on their face! Wow! Just running to greet life and towards more experience! While happy!!!

Humour and attitude!

Comedy with a human interest. Some don't get that at all and seem to get hung up on the jokes alone. But there is some serious and extremely insightful communications right here regarding humanity and the immature and destructive conflict we entertain due to the illusion of separeteness.

The Music!

Again about joy! Love! In a relaxed and funky expression! (I think mainly because they don't blush up visibly red as much) but MY GOD WITH SOUL!! Not from wining. You can be proud and stand firm without arrogance. You wanna know how? You are yourself! Your own authentic self and in that won't have to force anything creating you arrogant. If you want a beautiful example please watch 'Dave Chappelle's Block Party' and specifically the interview with Jill Scott talkin' bout Erykah Badu. WOW! Just a complete fan in adoration without a derogatory perspective that can only come from a judgemental mindset. A sister! A fellow human being! From SOUL! I am so grateful for this culture! The soul culture! From the attitudes, the smiles, the tv-shows, the music. I've always been a loooot of soul trapped in a world of accountants. GOD BLESS MOTOWN! Thank you all! Please klick da link below to listen to on of my favorite Teddy track. And also if I may, you will here the voice of a grown man as he appears on this picture. But close your eyes and listen to 'little Teddy'. Listen as if it was 5 year old Teddy singin! Because it it. I love you. Free Chicken 4 errbody!

I made an entire album in celebration and appreciation to this culture of soul. Listen on Spotify:

I named it  'JOY!'

(If you think about it, is something we all are. When we stop being so stiff and get more funky)

Suicide rates are statistically dominated by white males. That is all a product of weak expressions. Or strong depending on the perspective. First off, why males? Because males are more masculine, in other words more rational, more ego. Secondly why white males? Because white people don't support as strongly as they condemn. They haven't figured out that a strong impression of support generates success. They believe that punishment will make an individual understand. 2023.. Somebody incapable of supporting somebody has high demands. On themselves and cannot give proper or actual support because they ain't givin' it to themselves. They force and pressure everything into existence. Somebody coming from soul doesn't do that. They dream! And they support the dream of their brothers and sisters! Because they have understood. THAT EVERYBODY WINS FROM IT!!!!! Because they are not in competition. They are a family. My God in heaven all mighty Jehova James Lipton! Can we improve? Can we improve? Can we become a family? Humaniteam?

How about that EMMY? OSCAR? MAYER?

What we entertain is what we support!

We speak/express our world into existence?


Do you think your voice doesn't matter? If we come together it does! With a mutual intention.

A strong expression is possible from the absence of guilt & shame. Something white people have for what our ancestors did. To our fellow human beings. From fear of the unknown. We could have been dead a long time ago. But people of soul don't kill.

I am sorry. Please forgive us. I love you.

Thank you.

My most significant memory of a truly heartfelt human interaction ever was in a local restaurant here in my city. It was when I had a conversation with a black couple visiting from America. It was so genuine and full of courtesy. I've met a few people before and since then. These 10 minutes top 'em all.

For all the guidance. For all the support! For all the JOY!! For all the LOVE!!!


🌹Jim Carrey🌹

🌹Dave Chappelle🌹

🌹Anadasia Elizabeth🌹

🌹Ingamay Hörnberg🌹

🌹Joel & Victoria Osteen🌹

🌹Adam Sandler🌹

🌹Daft Punk🌹

🌹Alan Watts🌹


🌹Will Ferrell🌹

🌹Ulf Malmros🌹

🌹Kjell Bergqvist🌹

🌹Astrid Lindgren🌹

🌹Lily Jakobsson🌹

🌹The Wallinders🌹

🌹Reggie Watts🌹

🌹Lauren Daigle🌹

🌹Calle Dernulf🌹

🌹Wayne Dyer🌹

🌹Kay Pollack🌹

🌹Louise Hay🌹


🌹Ram Dass🌹




(I bought all your CD's man)

Tack till: Freja, Rosa, Lök, Hasse & Tussi


Yvonne Seon

Special thanks to:

🌹Bill Hader🌹

🌹Kristen Wiig🌹

Grinding without yer teeth:

I know I'm more Right.

What R U?


I absolutely love 'The Skeleton Twins'. Especially in the beginning when Bill got his period. So beautiful.

I accept demos!

All my music is created from an emotional expression. And I let it become what it wants. I don't tweak everything to match any standard whatsoever. Because I don't believe that it exists. My writings and music are just like my cooking. No recipe. Just create and feel it. If it makes me have a hard time sitting still or I cry my eyes out? I love it. I love all demos. Just like myself. I'm not and never will be any kind of professional. I am a student and a demonstration of my current exprerience.

Make your own voice louder!

Please send you demos to:

A reminder:

Don't get attached to the outcome. Keep the faith.

Never arrive anywhere. You'll lose interest. With a fixated mind life becomes a struggle. With a free mind life becomes an adventure.

Ravermeister against the dying of tze light!

I love you deer.

Jesus died and went to heaven only to return

Die = Let go of identity

Heaven = Freedom to just be. No judgement

Return = A fresh start, clean canvas

Not material, only spiritual

'I am nothing. I am No Thing. No IT'


You have 24/7 365 support included inside yourself. When you get out of your own way and let things come to you. Like solutions and answers making you comprehend things, making your journey forward a lot easier. All you have to do is connect to your support and ask. And stop internally talking to be able to hear the answer. From this you will eventually never have to go to your job ever again. Because you will begin to provide a service instead. Like the very same thing you already do but from a different attitude. And that's all there is really. If you want to pursue your passion all you need is courage. Courage to fall on your face about a 1000 times only to get up and try again. This website and everything I've compressed and written down as educational as I have took me about 7 years from the initial start. I have created a website like this 3 times before. But they didn't communicate as focused as I wished. I also did not believe in myself. So I crashed and burned. But got up again and started over. Because my passion won't let me go. What is my passion? What is it that I prioritize more than anything ever since I was a little kid? Answer: I wanted all to stop fighting and to be friends. And I also wanted a beautiful girl to hold and to love. I wanted kids & a family. And I wanted to sing. I wanted to accept and love my own unique expression. It took 41 years for me to do that. Silly. But when I finally stopped blaming the outside and began listening to my truth. I arrived in love. And that's all we want right? Inside of us. And outside of us. We all want well. We just make a big deal about it. Like I did. So here you go humanity. An early Christmas gift. Next year maybe I spend Christmas in the arms of my love. I know! I won't have any expectations!!.... It could happen this Christmas ;)

Sometimes we try so hard. We knew what was right all along. But "Bobby's" can be so charming!

Listen to your heart. It never lies. Only your mind is capable of that. Just like "Bobby's". No offense.

The soul has no name.

The world and everybody and everything in it is so beautiful. When you are. When you accept yourself and appreciate yourself the world is magical. It doesn't become magical. It is. Just like you! You don't become magical. YOU ARE! Wow.. A wound is not pretty. But a scar is.

If you heal the wounds inside yourself and again, not become but allow for yourself to be who you are. Your are beautiful! Scar and all. No matter what anybody or anything says. Don't let words bring you down. Words you accept inside yourself. Many times spoken by yourself.

You will get everything you want. Life is designed this way. By the creator. You and your soul intention. Know thyself. Refer back to who you are. Not to a momentary description. That's not you. That's part of your unfolding as a flower. It will all come to you. When you let go. Allow for healing. And just love yourself. Find the love inside. Divine communication will lead the way.


From the heart. A "new" start.

                                  ---> Check it out! Looks like Saturn:

When everything has to be completely new all the time in your material world you subconsciously impress yourself that nothing deserves a second chance. Everything has to be crispy clean brand new out of the box. But what does that impression tell you about yourself and other human beings? Isn’t the story behind it amazing! Isn’t exactly that which created something from the beginning? Literally? Everybody wants to be themselves, to be authentic and unique but you won’t have the courage to wear a patch on your jeans with a kool image? That is double-standard. What I look for in a girl is not all about physical appearance. Although she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I want experience of life. A deeper understand and story that creates depth in the kitchentable conversations after the kids fall asleep. For that you need somebody like yourself, that is authentic and deserves the most beautiful second chance. All from your own beautiful reflection. As I wrote this. The song ’You To Me Are Everything’ came on and two swans swam by. Oh! 💕 Thank you! 🌸

Everything is PRE. -Don't you mean free? Haha yeah that too! But we create our own reality. So if you want to get a sense of life which is all about sensation and sensory perception you gotta be PRE. SENSE. Presence. Present! Focus is never tensed. Focus is always relaxed.. We just teach the opposite. HEY! FOCUS!!! Without presence you are either somewhere prior or future. Most of us wanna get rich. And this is the way to do it! Because life and all it has to give is the greatest gift of all. Only to be enjoyed right now. Always. Whatever you do, where ever you are. Focus on your heart and say 'I love you' & 'Thank you'. All we need is love. What we want is something else. Practice allows for perfection. Just as the universe is. Absolutely perfect. Just Right.. Listen to your heart ;)

This is spiritual, undramatized:

The world is so serious because we make it so. There are serious consequences happening but from an uplifting vibrational perspective we take the edge off what's causing it from the beginning. I don't mean that we should make fun of disasters but as an individual try to view life more like this. Taking life serious but not ourselves. We are NOT supposed to feel responsible for what is happening in the world like traditional news actually create. All that does is create even more guilt and shame for being human all together. We can change it but not from sanctions. That will forever be a bucket under the broken ceiling. We can fix the roof by healing the inside on a personal level getting rid of contradictions letting our true vibe sing and broadcast love.

Getting caught in the melodrama is what is creating discomfort inside you. We've all been experiencing destructive consequences in life but all I can say is that staying in that low vibration only reinforces the victim mentality. Your soul sings a different tune than your judgemental mind full of scarecity. I know you've been thru things. They created scars but you've got the choice to walk around in your own scarcity. Or a city of freedom & love. Everything is a projection from your consciousness. We only have one life to live. The world will always be full of things to be afraid of, or full of things to feel exited about. What filter are you using? You can auto-tune yourself by letting go of all the drama inside yourself. I say auto because that's how you function without judgement.

What you entertain inside will be projected outside. You are the director. Auto-tune the news simply means to listen to your intuition. Listen to and get close in relation to your inner truth away from interpretations made in fear, lower vibrations.

The energy shortage is a manifestation of us. Everything is. If we waste energy within us entertaining resistance we are exactly like an electric circuit with impedance. I can't dance with weights all over my body. That won't be free and relaxed. A small stone held infront of my eyes can look like Mount Everest. And the mountain from a far looks like a rock I can hold between my fingers. We need to slow down and let loose. Or we will by all certainty rest. In peace. 4ever. The world is in no need of saving. Humanity is.

Everything is about experience:

You've got impressions. Convictions. Absolute certainties. Which are never true. And as you expand your awareness you become conscious of them. And as you begin to take responsibility for them inside yourself the energy transforms from a perceived negative to a positive. That happens gradually. And when you come to the full realization you've transmuted that contradiction and thereby graduated in that that particular understanding, set of frequencies. You learned the chord. Because it's not just about you. It's about multiple people connected to what you are transmuting. So you might be the D note in this current melodrama. And 2 others are also involved whom are F & A. But in a grander scheme of things they are connected to people whom has created contradictions making them involved so it's all a great symphony. We are all trying to tune ourselves to love which is not phony. It's biological. So what we are looking for is always symbiosis. Can you feel the music?

A symphony is always a lie because it is temporary. The symbiosis comes from staying in tune inside out.

The keys on the piano are 88 notes. Ironically very clear communication if you tilt those two 8's thus becoming symbols of infinity.
But if you imagine two hands playing a piano with infinite notes. For example having 195 fingers just like the amount of countries in the world. And one or more fingers are playing a note that doesn't exist within the scale available. It will create disharmony and the chord will not be harmonious. That is the equivalent of a nation far behind in their development. And that is all based upon frequency and the population of which carries a lot of negative energy yet transformed and ultimately transmuted. You can also put this in the context of a family as I described above in the chord of 3 notes. Like mother, father, child. With experience we enrich our souls making us play with greater clarity. We get attuned to our authentic self. Now we are more harmonious which lets us play in harmony with each other. When you reach a certain level of clarity from experience you will be a part of the higher octaves, higher dimensions and help out from another plane of consciousness no longer bound to three dimensional reality.

The more you understand this the further you are from ego. Making you realize that in order to create symbiosis we need to be real. Symphony as it clearly states is false. Just like communication using a telephone. Telephony. Not true communication. Telepati is true because it is vibrational. Feeling. Experiencing. No rational interpretation. Sensing.

What all kinds of drugs do is activating what you already have inside.


Believe it or not. But it's in the small things.

Like absolutely loving and appreciating all kinds of weather.

Love will NOT remain. As long as you COMPLAIN.

Your heart attracts everything in your experience.

Don't put it down. As it will you.

Yeah. Completely heartless.

True Story.

You are never forced to enjoy life?

That would be something like a combination of this verbal and this emotional expression. Get it?

I have learnt to buy a plane ticket to fly, I can swin in the sea like a fish. But I am 41 years old and can't eat properly with a spoon. There is always more to learn and to experience! But I won't ask any Dr. about that.

Vanilla, Mocca or Chocolate.

He just couldn't keep his face out of this. That's alright I love you too. I'll C U When I get there. Neem Kooliolio Baba.

A dog will mourn you to death. A cat will eat your eyes.

A horse would like some more hay. True story.

Dave! Will you sign my copy of 'Nigger Book'?

What is spiritual?

Well it isn't material that's for sure. And material is matter so it isn't anything conceptual. What do we have left then? Emotional! Well almost. So the more intuitive you are the more you actually understand from feeling it. That is not theoretical knowledge. That is feeling it in spirit. Spiritual. Letting your energy tell you what's up! Not your judgement. That is being spiritual. And as the image behind this text illustrates actually goes outside of you and, is connected to everything and everyone. The larger part of you. The infinite part of you. The you. People have told me, "Well, I am not spiritual" which is hilarious. You don't choose. Just like you don't choose if you are a woman or a man. You are either one or the other, but masculine and feminine both. If you get that twisted? You are extremely material. Like some construction dude. Be more like a Care Bear instead and accept your feminine side. No need for snipsnip. I have a pink backpack & write poems of love like a stereotypical teenager. I stay intouch. Don't need to touch the outside.

What's cookin'?

Speculation. Your mind is a supercomputer. It can create anything. When focused, it is celebrated. When not, it is medicated. Call that whatever you like. But the main thing pushing it beyond its capability heading for destruction is speculation. That goes for all kinds. About future anything. Do good and good will come. What is good? What feels good. What feels good? Anything that is along the lines of our personal interest without forced pressure. Like trying to speculate. Trying to create 100% accurate conclusions. Especially involving other people and circumstances. That's cookin' you. What are you? Cannibal?

I made a clear vision board. Notice how all treasures lead to another. From positivity. For infinity.

My nebula oblongata.

The different planets given their composition, rotation & thus their energy expression corresponds to a likewise area inside our human mind. When aware of this we can take advantage of various conjunctions creating opportunities for expansion. As we let the universal laws of nature help us. Distance is nothing but a three dimensional distance measurement. Energy is here and now so nothing is far away. Everything contributes, even stars. Why stars are ”far away” is because of their intense energy which in three dimensional reality is great as it creates a harmonious development in relation to our ability to perceive change. Things would, if all was closer, happen much faster and our cognition which doesn’t operate in such speeds would not be able to make sense of anything. So for instance we can talk about Pluto. Pluto is our transformative celestial body. When Pluto is in conjunction with let’s say the sun and Venus we get a boost in transformative feminine energy. That can manifest as something great or demanding which is all in relation to how you perceive yourself and where you are in your personal development.

E = mc²

Working with resistance or opposition.

When you believe in your vision you absolutely know that it's possible. You don't know how but as you can see the end result you are convinced. People who do not share your vision will have a hard time believing as strongly as you do. And people who aren't dreamers at all will by definition completely discard any dream. What you need to make your dream come true is your energy investment. So don't waste it. There is nothing more energy consuming than a non-believer. And that of course has nothing to do with any existing ideology or idea. Hense the dream vision. It's just like you've got an energy source for heating your home and you open all the doors and windows open to let it out. The energy goes to waste and the energy source itself will eventually burn out. And so does the dream contained in the energy source which is you. So be careful with whom you share your vision, and who you socialize with.
People stuck in a nightmare are there because of their choice in dreaming. This is also manifestation only in a negative energy.
To give the same analogy again it's like you've closed all the windows and doors to your home and started a fire filling place with hazardous smoke eventually depriving you of oxygen. Keep dreaming and investing all you have in your dream of love.
Use and share your energy wisely.


If you stress the machine it's gonna blow. From to much pressure.
What you want is for everything to happen as scheduled. And that is in accordance to your unique time code signature.
If you rush for example to arrive at a location you might be 10 min early to rendezvous with another unique time code signature.
All things happen when they are supposed to and all you create is a disappointment with destiny. There is a set time for when you where going to meet whom ever you was supposed to meet. There is a set time for the insight you are supposed to receive. There is a set time for everything so stop trying to control it by showing up in the wrong time. Notice I didn't say on. Because time doesn't exist. Everything is happening all at once so it's a matter of staying in alignment with the present. That's what it's all about. Here and now.

What if you're having a party! And you and your guests sing along together like:

"'Cause for 24 years I've b.Alice" while grabbing the pizza straight from the oven right into your mouth.

You don't do that? You don't ask a beautiful random girl on the street if she'd marry you? You invite her to join the party together with your mouth scorched friends skipping to the chorus ahead of time so she can see how caring and well timed you are as a human being.

Thaik it Chizy.


The Masculine: I think it's possible!

The Feminine: I feel so too 💕


Family always helps out. They understand that something went wrong but always work together to solve and re-unite again. They want to forgive to let go. Nobody needs to carry guilt & shame. If members doesn’t agree to that? They make a choice to not be a part of a family. So even if they stick together. They are not family. Just a group of people. Not family members. There is always a reason why? Nothing destructive ever just happens out of the blue. Evil does not exist. It’s just a scary perception. Coming from a mind full of fear. Projecting that into the world saying help me! I am afraid.


When we let the outside world tell us who we are we self-destruct. The material world has no emotions. It can only judge you as a success or not. But the truth is that your success is created from the inside out. Subconscious programming from caretakers coming from a projection regarding their own lack of adventurous explorations create prohibitions for the offspring whom wants nothing else than to shine. We all want to sing. In our own special way. In a unique expression close to heart. Don't dim somebody else just because you don't have the courage  to shine. Just because you can't see the vision doesn't mean that it's crazy. You just aren't expansive enough in your own perceptions, so you judge. And kill. The dream. And create nightmares.

Deep inside we all just want to express ourselves freely and be our unique signature. That can only happen from dissociating from the identity not authentic. That is what western medicine has defined as schizophrenic. Because they are not humble enough to say that they have absolutely no clue, what they talk about.

Who knows? Maybe he was told something like: "You sit like a fuckin' faggot playing the piano!"
All coming from the fathers own wish to sing on stage. Just an idea. We are fragile. We project our insecurities.

So many emotions bottled up inside finally getting an outlet thru the medium of a piano. The specific signatures of the hearts whisper pressed on the keys. We just want to sing! But we are afraid of ridicule. We just want to express the perceived contradictions to make sense of it all. Why is the world not loving? Nobody is sick. It's a sick world. Created by fear.

Why would anyone need an education to teach something they know from experience?
This only questions their capability. Perhaps playing the piano 5 hours a day for 15 years or so isn't enough. Because we've created a theoretical achievement based society that kills creativity. I’ve worked in kitchens with so many people over the coarse of about 15 years. Many of them don’t know how to cook. The majority actually don't. But they have an education.


Are you aware that MC Hammer's carrier basically came to a stop after he changed his name to Hammer. Who da f**k is MC Hammer some might say. (Look it up) The point is that he's the same dude. Doing the same thing. But it is YOU that judge him differently and cannot stand this new choice of name all from being so associated to an identity. You are not your conceptual description. Your are soul. That's who you are. But when you don't know that you are very material and can only accept things as static. Permanent. If coming from that perspective how do you expect to see change? To see transformation? In yourself and in the world? Your message and love, you presence and gifts are who you are. No matter what you call yourself. That's the main problem with people supporting one another in this life. They cannot set them free to be and do what they feel is right for them because they cannot do that for themselves. All for completely being identified with the thinking mind instead of the soul. All material. All rational. No feelin' it.

Many would say that people deserve a second chance. But society won't. The system won't.

The system recognizes and cannot discard previous information attached to this identity. We might want and deserve a brand new start but the system won't allow that. So why do we listen to a system and not our hearts? That if anything, is extremely A.I.

A higher life form:

Will by definition be more sufficient. Of what you might ask? Well. Of energy of course. A more advanced life form will not waste their energy in anything counter productive to life itself. A higher more advanced life form will therefor be more or perhaps all loving. They will not even have any defense, because they do not believe in any threats. Am I talking about aliens? From outer space? Could be, who knows? But this concept to us seems all together kind of alien? So maybe we are the aliens? From inner space? We can become a higher life form! If we get out of survival mode and perhaps become all loving? And if we do. The doorbell of earth might ring and we’ll have some kool company. But until then. Nobody’s gonna come visit over at the household of domestic disputes. It ain’t groovy over there. We could get a plate smashed in our headz just for bein’ there. In the line of fire.. Nawmean?

It's time to give up this double standard. Nature provides.

Cleaning solvent days are over. Groovy days 2 come.

I personally don't use anything because I love to be present. And that is the goal of all healing. To become free inside yourself. I am natural high. Feels great.

I experience it all without any kind of fog.

Why do you think they are green? With a purple background. Maybe something to do with chakras and energy? Maybe we are trying to tell ourselves something???


When it comes to energy.

You can't put your little twist on it. Have you ever played this game in which you whisper something to somebody and that gets whispered around a group of people. By that last one receiving it the original expression will have become modulated from interpretation. So I might start and say pigtail! And you at the very end might say pigtail!

But I was talking about the butt of a pig and you was thinking about a hairstyle? You see, all wrong. That's why energy is our mutual foundation of agreement. Because it is super accurate! Super stable!

Super charged! And most importantly! Can not be misunderstood.

So with this foundation we won't live in a house of cards. Everything we build will be stable as a rock. In the formation of a pyramid perhaps! Or we can put our little twist on it and build houses like in the 30s again with flat rooftops. Eventually it will rain you know.

Nice to have things sort themselves out don't ya think? Naturally?


= impersonal. In total acceptance. No judgement or evaluation.

Everything just is until we add value to it. Everything is completely OK and in total acceptance until we decide wether it's positive or negative. Good or bad. Useful or not. We do this by feeling.

We feel that it's right or wrong. Healthy or unhealthy.

Like for instance. If you feel that the right thing to do is to murder people in a large scale and believe this to be right you will get support. You will attract people and finances and everything you need to make this happen. Because the law of attraction works this way. The same energy source that makes you manifest broccoli in your fridge also manifests a pack of smokes in your pocket. I think the big universal plan of God is our own collective choice. But we don’t get it. So we keep entertaining fear and consuming too numb. Like Lemmings walking straight across the ledge right down in burning lava. We say we want burning love. But maybe some misinterpreted Shaggy?

This is not me saying I am Neonazi or sum shit. God does not judge. We do.

We always get what we ask for. As we keep a steady vibration and believe it to be true using our imagination seeing our wish fulfilled the universe begins to work and things will manifest.

God ain't a dude. No dudette either. God is energy.

(In the middle of Finkle & Einhorn, The Water)

Negative is also positive depending on the context. When it comes to waste products there has to be decay and decomposition. Or else the ecosystem would not work. So in that context death is very positive. Just like all the victims in the holocaust. They where considered waste products. And death became natural in that context of something destructive being considered positive. Like smoking. It's a matter of perspective. And also not knowing what love is. Love is something healthy and supportive. Something constructive and all inclusive. Something that starts with an intention of coming together. Not to dominate and discriminate, to judge and eradicate. That's all ego. That's all pushing us apart.

We can make cold water hot using our mind. All we have to do is to justify it like complete maniacs. It’s all perception and perhaps all of that occurs inside of us as we become boiling mad when trying to control nature.

We are all divine and together we are God.

The world is a soup, a stew. Contrast is great. I love everything from pizza to gazpacho. But we are missing the point in trying to make something good on planet earth. We are the main ingredient but we are not supposed to cook ourselves. We're doing it all wrong.

If you feel like printing all of this I have designed a suitable cover for it. Please help yourself

(pun intended)

I call it. Human Being.

Have a Coke!

What is mainly for you is a metaphor. What is mainly for us is symbolism. What is difficult to interpret is a metaphor. What is easy to comprehend is symbolism. I can make an abstract drawing of some energy field in space that seems to illuminate everything. Or, I can make a circle with lines coming out of it and everyone will say: Look the sun! So.. Maybe sometimes the metaphor is perhaps feeding your intellect? ..A little bit..maybe? (Ego) Maybe we need that to? As we like a challenge and psychedelic patterns. It feels good to understand. And if everything was symbolically simple. It would be kinda boring. Not to small kids but for someone that has developed a deeper sense of interpretation. (Soul)

You want to be the truth. The whole truth & nothing but the truth. To get help from God.

(You get anyway, but don't you want it all?)

We didn't have time for paralysis from analysis - Quincy Jones

I just wanna have one trophy at home. Loving efforts in compassion. True to heart.

And ya'll know where home is right?

The Diamond.

Diamonds are formed under pressure. The pressure is created as a result from contradictions within you. The continuous questioning: Why do I feel like this when I know that I am good inside? All this, is perception. How you perceive yourself. The universe is waiting for you to be yourself. You have all the support you will ever need to become what you already are. There is no becoming. There is only letting you of what you are not. To be brave and to answer to yourself. This is the hardest thing a human being can do. Because it feels just like dying. And in a sense it is. Because you want to kill everything speaking against you. And you want to be, everything speaking for you. So fear arises. Fear of ridicule and fear of success. Because you have so much invested in whom you are not. But you have to let that go and die to be reborn again. To be who you are. Fearless. Loving. Compassionate and supporting in relation to yourself. Your release yourself. When you are ready.. So when are you ready? Well.. When you've had enough. When you've had enough of your own abuse. When you feel that it's time to shine. That is different for everyone. The dark night has no conceptual time. You shine when you step into the light. Leaving your contradictions behind. It's a matter of when you'll stop hitting yourself. When you end the self-inflicted punishment. When you've done your time, in the darkness. From this point you only consume healthy options. Like constructive & positive self-talk. Like responsibility in supporting yourself instead of destroying yourself. And you accept help. From all over. But most importantly from spirit, within.

Your are a diamond. You've always been a diamond.

You're just covered in opinions. Listen to your heart, and not your mind.

The heart accepts and doesn't care about opinions.

Ask and you shall receive. The Rewind.

When you make a wish to become the greatest you can be. You can only do that from understanding. And the only way for you to understand is to rewind. So life will revert for you to experience. You will find yourself in environments and circumstances that you've been in before in order to make sense of what got you sidetracked. So when things are about to change into something you truly desire from what your soul sings. It will seem like a complete opposite as you will return to a state of re-ignition. It's like a bow and arrow. The tension and confusion will be in the opposite direction of what you desire in order to eventually shoot you in the direction of authenticity. This is your release. You release yourself. When you stop listening to anything contradictory and fully embrace your worthiness stating all that you authentically are. Off you go.

NOBODY has ever done me wrong. It was me all the time accepting what I thought was love.
We keep self sabotaging until we fully realize that. You are love, you are life. That's what you are.
Your high demands are only counter weights creating momentary satisfaction.

Your low standard is only affirmation in relation to your perceived lack of value.
What you seek is acceptance for who and what you are.
From the inside out. Untainted. Innocent.

Equanimous. Harmonious.



Many will NOT support you.

This includes friends & family. Because in supporting you would also include their own transformation in which they are not ready for. So to stand by your side in becoming truthful and authentic would indirectly mean to become this themselves. The scariest thing a human being can ever do. Please understand this.

This is NOT about you. This is ALL about them. Keep going. They will support you on the other side though.

Remember who was your friend.

The big breakthru! Waiting for a star to fall.

I've been dreaming of my big break. To gain success in what I've invested practically all my life in. I've spent nearly every single moment trying to figure life out. To give it to the world and to gain recognition. I wanted the whole world to celebrate my achievements in making all this comprehendible, the human experience. In my writings and in my music. But I've come to realize that it was never about that. The big break I was hoping for was me. The grand finale was about me understanding myself. And so I sacrificed everything. I couldn't let it go for anything. Some call that a psychosis. Which is what western medicine define as something negative. I never needed the recognition and acknowledgement of the world. What I needed was myself. As I write more and more, I gain deeper insight and clarity.
The closer I get to my big break I begin to see that this isn't anything external at all. It's all me vs. me. The wrong descriptions of myself coming from misunderstandings that caused consequences. Towards the real me, and who I truly am without defense from all the hurt. You see I was just like you growing up. An innocent child full of joy and wonder. Full of adventure and not a single judgement if I was OK or not, just the way I am. But the world around me made me question myself and I tried to fit in. I now know that you can't fit it. Other than inside yourself in absolute acceptance. In absolute appreciation. Just the way I am. It's not in what I do. It's in how I perceive myself. The big break is close. It's always very close for all of us. When we let go of all that contradicts us, who we where told we are. What the world interpreted us to be. That is always a lie. Nobody knows you as well as you do. You know! You are in there. You just gotta go thru some renunciation. And from there embrace what you find. Without namely. You.

If I can jump a certain height. Maybe in a official setting. That's great. Good for me and my self-esteem. But if I come from a internal conviction of never being enough chances are that I'll raise that bar to heights currently impossible for me to manage. And that is all from self sabotage created by myself in order for me to confirm my inadequacy. I smash myself to the ground proving my own perception of personal failure. And because I make it personal, based in achievements. Me as a human being becomes a failure. So what was the chicken and what was the egg? Was my perception of not being good enough or was the actions and consequences created by me the origin of malefunction? (Pun intended, logical)

I believe the former over the latter. And in a deeper sense, was I ever not good enough as a human being at all?
Now this time I believe the latter. The main problem in all of this is the personal aspect. It's not wether I do, or do not perform great. It's how I make this a definition of who I am. Modern society is created around this functionality. We search so far and wide for acknowledgement in everything we do from the misconception of accepting ourselves.
We are not what we do. That is separate from who we are.

If you really wanna define yourself? You are all about what you give.

And you can't give away something you do not have.

Give yourself everything. Starting with acceptance.

I know that's where it starts. I'm just a little Lars.

Your significant other. Your soulmate. The one that completes you. Is you.
When you merge all aspects of who you are. You attract it all outside of yourself.
The dream partner. The dream carrier. The dream home. The dream life you've always wanted. Is you.
You are the dream. Life is a dream we are dreaming. Whatever you want is yours when you don't need it.
When you need it, there is something lacking. As within, so without. So what you lack in relation to yourself,
is not a complete merger. And thus you crave it. You desire it. You lack it. You miss you.
You want to meet yourself in pure formlessness. Soul merger.
No need for any material rings or theoretical agreements.
Just you. Now there is sharing. Giving and receiving.
Not giving and taking. Never taking.
Always receiving.

Thank you.



Life is a flower. Witness the unfolding.
Do whatever you need to do, without evaluating yourself.
Just be. Awareness. Undramatized.

Oh Deer.

I wish to share a personal story related to spirituality.

When I was in my teens my mother and her boyfriend was out of town. And I got really drunk. After some time I got bored. So I went searching for the car keys as they'd left the car at home. And I found them. So I made a little roadtrip pretty intoxicated. I called and picked up a friend of mine who fortunately was and remained sober on this adventure. He actually held his left hand on the steering wheel the whole time adjusting our position as I for some reason continuously ended up in the middle of the road. When reaching a more remote area with forest on either side of the road a deer ran out infront of the car. As I hit the deer I remember vividly looking the deer in the eyes as it went across the windshield. It looked surprised just as this was not at all what it expected. But the conclusion from this story other than alcohol turns people into idiots is the fact that deer often do this. Many forest creatures actually do. They stand by the side of the road and just at the last second they run out and get themselves killed. What I make of this is the fact that animals are very present and not analytical. So by instinct they get blinded by a great source of energy thus making them walk towards it. They go towards God. It was not God behind the steering wheel I can tell you that. It was stupidity personified. But what we can learn from this despite the obvious is to be present and let our instinct, our intuition lead us towards salvation. It's not gonna be dangerous or even fatal as it turned out to be for this creature of love. Go towards the light inside yourself. Go towards yourself. The crash won't burn. It will heal. It's the truth.

The opposite of grateful, is taking for granted.

Please be grateful for everything & everyone.

The true power of creativity is to creatively associate different expression to learn the about the periphery in relation to the core. The core of everything is always the truth. Never the periphery. When the periphery becomes justified as a definition of the core, it's imbalance.

The core is harmony. The core is balance. The core is the heartspace.

To define yourself as either left or right will forever be a lie.

You are soul. Mono. One. Center.

The core of your being.

This is not something material.

They say it's the thought that counts. To simply give someone something only from that perspective is something I would say, is not very loving at all. That is just something expected, like a custom. "Well it's Christmas so here you are!" A gift I would say is all about the feeling. You feel like giving because you want to give back the love given. There is nothing more beautiful than the gift of love. To be acknowledged and seen for who you are without judgement and without any expectations. That is a spiritual gift.

Please click the headline to experience the male version of my grandmother whom guided me the first time I witnessed my true self.


A dream of mine is to create a center based upon the freedom of expression.
An art center where people can create and express themselves openly without judgement. All in peace and harmony. Just a place for growth and support full of color and music. Full of great food and classes making things more comprehensible regarding everything about this human experience. For everyone! When we enter this center we agree to mutually dissolve any misconceptions and celebrate expression. We leave any type of religious and political ideas outside and just connect with creation. Connect with the Youniverse within. 2 heal. 2 laugh. 2 cry. 2 love. 2 let go. To set yourself free in order for us 2 B free. 2gether.

You know what.. The center doesn't really exist.

I believe in a world of love. That's my dream.

I all up for it! Meanwhile I'll create & work on mantaining a perception of love.

From the heart. I've got the plans for everything. Like Nacho Libre - In my mind.

You know what. I am acutally aware of mispellings and sometimes even words missing. But I don't edit myself. When I write it's like a stream. From my mind & heart. I just let it out. The dream. I love myself and all my expressions. They are my babies. I would never edit a baby. The baby is perfect.

Can you find acceptance in that? In you? I can. I learned. I know.

From personal experience. Eh.. What's Up Doc!?

If your Doctor asks you to eat a fistful of pills each day. Ask them to give their review on them first? Like, how was their experience? What was the pros and cons from their personal experience?

Doctors helped murder my childhood friend.

All from logic, no heart.

I know the main responsibility lies with whom is in imbalance.

It might seem like one of you are standing firm. But there is a huge offset in compassion.

Maybe both are equally off only in opposite directions. No wonder you can't understand each other.

So maybe learn this before pills? You are lazy, both of you! Quickfix fanatics.

My assigned Doctor laughs at me when I call. He also wrote about me in the system even though we've never met. His name is Axel. As a chef in Sweden we are personally responsible if anything goes wrong with the food we are preparing. The same should go for you. Only you are aware of what you do and see the person dying infront of you. But I also know that you can't help somebody heal their soul. You cannot give what you do not have.

Do you know what a Doctor is called in Swedish? Healer. Can you believe that shit.

I suggest you smoke your degree. License to kill..


OK one last reflection from the mirror of love.

As I am very aware and also interested I have developed an objectivity that makes my investigations become easier.
When I generate. I get a strong sense of heat and pressure in the front part of my head. As I let go I get the same sensations in the back of my head. What I make of this is just like a prep kitchen sending everything in for cooking. Now the prep chefs are free to goof around and enjoy themselves. So they might switch to their clothes of choice and sit down at a table of their own restaurant. After some time when all is ready they will be presented with the finished dish. Wow so great to enjoy and experience something you where involved in creating. It's a good thing the more experienced chef actually made it all come together. OMG! It's so G..God..Good. Sorry I should talk with my mouth full of manifestations. It's literally something you can experience from start to finish as you become more, or should I say allow for more sensitivity. Allow for more of who you are.
Gordon Ramsey is not a chef, a cook, a bust-boy, a dishwasher. He is and always has been, one hell of a butcher.

I've always dreamt of California. Where the sun always shines. But I know that's only superficial. The sun is in me. Behind the clouds of judgement.

The biggest defense we have is the lie. Everything else is based upon that, in fear.

This website is not about who I am. It's a demonstration of the process of letting go in order to become. I just let IT all out. That's all. One big mindfart. And I actually poured my heart out.

The role of the victim does not find closure because it doesn’t add up. It’s a calculation in constant debt for not contributing. I am sorry. I truly am. But you gotta stop adding salt in the soil. It’s killing you. (Us) 4Real. It’s not about getting over it. It’s about allowing to grieve the loss, in the game of love called life. You gotta be squeezed real tight and then let loose.

By yourself - The Caretaker

Give love a chance. Make room for family.

Come on thru 💕

Instead of calling the doctor. Call bullshit. Ring ring! Who is it?

- It's me. It's OK. I understand.

That's all you're looking for in the land of confusion as you search for freedom. Not me personally. But truth. True = Love = Life.

It's really really really really really important. Not to give credit to bad acting. Can you see the big picture in that? No joke.

Bad = Inauthentic (Logical) Robotic // Good = Heartfelt (Emotional) Human

If this website to you, is all about me. What does that say about you?

What lens are you using in viewing this human experience?

Is it techno or biological?

Grey or coloured?

2 B Da best demands the worst.

I'm all good.

It's pretty obvious. Asexual : El Luna. La Sol.

The Bald & The Beautiful. Both are.

What it all comes down too.

Blood & Pressure. When you are active in various states of vibration (emotions) your heart regulates the blood-flow. So when we are "in flow" it's actually our own blood-flow that allows which attracts. The heart contracts from both a positive and negative vibration. When we are in constant need, sorrow, anger the blood-flow has a "stone" in its path. That's why we get the feeling that a stone has been lifted off our chest when we confess to let go. Tension. And maybe that's also what collects minerals creating an actual stones in the bloody system. Hehe nice one.. We are the entire ecosystem inside us. That's why we get what we give. Echo echo echo... Reverberation. Resonance. Resolve. Sonar. Nation. Uni. Vers. Versal. Choir. Chorus.
Sing the same song. Understand the basics. A World Of... Aaah.... Love.

What does the diamond say about herself? - 'I am desirable & extremely valuable, yet I can relax because I am not under pressure'.

The award for worst human being goes to:

Richard Nixon. With stationary greyness.

Listen to your heart:

När jag bekräftar mig själv så tror jag och tillslut är helt övertygad om min egen sanning. Jag är då inte längre i behov av min mamma och pappa. Jag är vuxen nu. Men jag vill ändå bli sedd för den jag är. Jag vill ändå visa upp mig för kärlekens skull och på så sätt bekräfta mig själv. Annars förnekar jag min egen existens och rätt att skina i hela universum. Vad är annars poängen med livet? Att vara tyst och hålla mig undan så att dom ”vuxna” kan prata allvar? Där allt jag gör blir hyschat och dämpat då jag är i vägen? Det kanske är jobbigt för dom eftersom dom söker sin egen bekräftelse? Barnsligt men vi vet ju alla vart vi kommer ifrån. Frågan är om vi blev sedda och bekräftade där? Då växer man upp och kan se och älska alla barnen vilket får dom att känna sig bekräftade utan konkurrens. Alla vill bli stora och sanna i relation till sig själva. Hur det sen visar sig i världen kommer att visa sig. Kanske som världens ödmjukaste dagisfröken oavsett kön? Som sjunger och målar med barnen.

When I confirm myself, I believe and finally am completely convinced of my own truth. I then no longer need my mother and father. I'm an adult now. But I still want to be seen for who I am. I still want to show myself off for the sake of love and thus confirm myself. Otherwise, I deny my own existence and right to shine in the entire universe. Otherwise what is the point of life? To be quiet and stay away so that the "adults" can talk seriously? Where everything I do is quiet and muffled when I'm in the way? Maybe it's hard for them because they're looking for their own confirmation? Childish, but we all know where we come from. The question is if we were seen and confirmed there? Then you grow up and can see and love all the children, which makes them feel validated without competition. Everyone wants to be great and true in relation to themselves. How it then turns out in the world will show. Perhaps as the world's humblest kindergarten teacher regardless of gender? Who sings and paints with the children.

PS. Something you can also do @ home.

Home is where the heart is.

I'm comin' 2 heal ya! Better run! Hahaha!


Reversed Current Heart Theory:

There is something called reverse current which happens in speaker systems.

The coil and magnet of a loudspeaker uses electromagnetism to pump air and deliver the sounds of choice. That is all vibration and as you now know is all about feelings. When the effect of reverse current occurs the speaker pumps in reverse direction causing it to created damage inwardly. In my life experience I have sensed a great deal of change in my heart sensations as I evolve and let go of resistance. My mother has also felt this and we both seem to be on the same page with this theory describing the heart pumping inwardly in worry and anxiety now happily pumping out as our polarity has made significant change. Again I am no medical expert..  But it would explain a lot of pressure in negatively perceived situations?

After all this time, why didn't I do something about my condition?

Well, you see I did. I added on to it. And that became heavy as I was already full of burden. What I needed was subtraction. A return to innocence. But I didn't. I didn't feel worthy of it.

"If you want then start to laugh".

(Bubbles can't reach the surface with a closed chest)

Find Neo.

'You can't hurry löve. Because then she will brake'. Listen to Dr. Phil

'Francis Lai - Theme From Love Story' - is to me not very loving at all.

Must have been written in complete lack of understanding.

When I grew up all I needed was water. I needed support. But what I got was drugs & destruction.

Some things will never change.

Do you know why TV screens are getting bigger and bigger? Well, you see eventually the frame will get so big! That it won't be possible to see it. And that will be just the same as watching life itself. GO FIGURE! Pfff....HA!

You know what's between & Dog & a Cat? Integrity & Dignity. One will eat a bloody tampon. And the other one will shit in your baby stroller if things aren't "Purrfeckt!". There's a lesson to be learned here. Something to remember and to fall back on. That will keep things stable. Mind over heart? Nah. Loose your mind? WAY NAH!..

Close to heart, always mindful of sweet love. Yeah.

I see the sun rising right now. Our golden source of love.

Some body not that special we treat like dirt.

We have no name for our home. No adress? We don't adress our home for what it is. A place of colour and of love. I welcome all in the entire Universe to come visit 'Arturia'. All loving.

And courteous. ACT THE PART.

Universal ovation!

(Psst. Arturia & Novation.. Please do something 2gether.. Pleez!)

Perhaps a Brute Supernova! OOO!!!! And maybe Apple could join in!! 'Siri connect LFO 2 for pitch modulation on oscilllator 3' - I will sugar. Wowowowowowowow...

Sadh Guru get a job. (vocoder voice)



To live from the heart + head and not the pants + head.

I don’t wanna be controlled. I want to make my own choices. From the very core and foundation of my human being. I want to be free within my own system. I like the ’L’ as in love. And I am clear of judgmental history, so I am new (Neo). My star-sign is Leo.

Can you see how the system gets ya? It can be any color wrapping with gold writings. It doesn’t matter. It’s a struggle to make the right choices when you’re controlled right from the start. Nobody owns you.

Call me, Leo.

A word of recomendation from my Universety:

Lars has been a trooper of a student. He is very compassionate, friendly and helpful. He has demonstrated extraordinary inventive skills and gives to all in need. For instance he has taught US that it’s always a bright and shiny day despite the veil of clouds in the sky. I’m a very happy & honored to tell you that he changed his name upon graduation to Leo. Which is my name.

Sincerely / Professor Leo Rosenblad

The woods is not the shit. Literally.

I got one super duper hyper diaper clear message from source that needs to be adressed:

We cannot under any circumstances because of the dangerous consequences mix races. It’s horribly destructive to the human race.

Which is absolutely impossible since we’re all


Harasho? Davai.

We hold guilt collectively. When we relax together we release together. We have mistreated ourselves so bad for a long time.

This is why the world is where it's at.

Inside out. Projection/Reflection. Always.

Let everything come to the surface.

Clear the foundation. Let laughter bubble. Serious is a state. A Statement. A Status = EGO. Relaxed is whatever. Not such a big deal = SOUL.


Jag beordrar och föreskriver hela världen att ta ned alla statyetter av män i Hiawatha’s namn. Och istället resa vår egen mamma till skyarna som gav oss livet genom sig själv via sina privata delar som hon väljer att kalla något vackert.

Det är du som inte förstår detta som är en jävla fitta.

Priset är våldsam cancer med död inom kort.

/ Tranlateutation in da nation cän you feel det vajbräjtion nighawiggalionkinky..

Whatever you create and legislate.

You do in the name of your mother.

She! Who is love herself






That goes for all!

Right Dave!

My soul sister.

The hardest thing a man can do. Is to come out straight. I did the thing Matinbum! Like you!

From the depths of Shaolin..

Imma slam da door on whatz a whore.

I say no more! This about da core!

Then I shoot me a nigha blind straight up.

N’ I barbecue his ass for 5 hours..

Then I eat that that nigha with my mohikan friend yeah.. like that yeah..

And when we full we stuff our own asses with wutz left and latah take a shiiit.. yeah..

And I smear my face with all of that.. mmmhmmm..

And I walk up to the mirror and I just brake down in tears of gratitude because I love you so much man..


Studio Prankster! (Lloyd says hi)

In some cultures they say that the way to realize oneself you state the following:

I am not the body. I am not even the mind.

That will work when you eventually break. But again this is a misunderstanding of the basic principles of a scale.

Because you will break-thru. What you want is a break-out. From the mental imprisonment. So you lean in a positive direction. The right way. Literally. And you state the following:

I am love. I am free. I am rich.

And the rest will work itself out. And you will not be broken. And you will not be broke.

Because you've let go of everything that is material. And connected with your soul.

The soul is centered along with your heart.

All is love.

Everything else is a bonus as you stay connected.

To love. Call it whatever you want.

As long as you're feelin' it.

Isn't it marvelous & a complete paradox that we need iron in the bloodstream for a healthy loving heart!? And also that the word heal is in healthy which is not sick? Infact when ya splitttemz.. You get ' Heal Thy'. - Einstein!

Well.. That was not in the book..

Imma come over latah. Better recognize. Click clack..What?

Joy comes in the morning.

We cannot manifest our dreamz when we are in need. When in need we are in the state of lack. As a sensitive human being I've noticed from not making a snap judgement and rushing to accept a rational conclusion that it's best to go to the bathroom and handle my business before evaluating my life situation.

I know! It sounds so easy, but if you get quiet and notice the minds misconception of that "need" you can become aware and thank your lucky stars that you are alive.

'Wake up in the morning and I tell myself, that my life is worth living time to blast myself!" - I'm a rocket man.'

/ Leo Rosenblad - Love Gangsta


Respect is never in anger or control.

That is simply NOT respect.

Hospitality is not something that demands going against ones will.

We all have the right to make our own choices. When we respect nature so much that we honor it. We live in harmony.

Naturally 🌸💕🕊️🎉

We get what we give. Don’t rush your heart in contradiction to activity. Do what you want. And the Youniverse will provide.

It’s all good. It’s all God.

What was hidden must come out and in that awareness we get an opportunity to make a choice. To understand, to accept, forgive and let it go.

Don’t let it hold you back anymore.

Don't force anything. Go against yourself in a mutual understanding.

Supernova authentic fusion.

The parents need a good relationship with themselves. The son needs a great relationship with his mother (feminine). The daughter needs a great relationship with her father (masculine). That is not a mystery. It's just X-files unravelled. Mom & Dad can be same sex. I.E we need a balanced diet - Marlboro Gold Man


The difference between noticing and having an opinion is all about invested value. Emotions. So what do we value the most as we feel strongly about something? The emotion. That's love. That's what we value the most. Can we do that without judgement? Sure. Now it's no longer an opinion. It's just appreciation. For getting closer and deeper in our relationship to ourselves and the people we love. Feeling is human. I wrote the last two segments on the site without any spelling errors. Am I good enough now? Or does it seem less important now as I deliver a beautiful message? I find the message very valuable. I've invested my heart and soul into it. I have sacrificed my body. I am true. - I love you

I would like to leave you full hands.

I don't wish for you to leave empty handed.

Preferably in the shower:

You come to a deep breathing as you enhance the carbon dioxide in your system.

When you've reached a relaxed state you exhale fully letting all the air out from your lungs as you sit under cold water. You calmly repeat to yourself:

'I want, I can'.

And you do that until you pee.

That is deep relaxation which detoxes stored energy holding you back.

Don't forget to say thank you.

Say, Thank you God.

I am Soul, I am God.

Capable of creating anything.

Yet always humble.

I walk in peace.


How do you get rid of something unwanted? Well.. Do you add to that? No. You subtract. What is there to subtract? Guilt. So how to get rid of something that isn't yours? Well. You gotta own it. Then you can get rid of it. What's that called?

Mature Responsibility.

The..Fresh start?

The image above displays a transgender individual by own choice.

They where born a male and is now a male also.

I.E a transgender male. There is no way and never will be a possibility to transmute nature. You just accept that and continue to be true and grateful for whatever you was born to be.

If you relax and stop doing drugs the beard and original hormone returns if you are looking for evidence?

I wish you a wonderful honest life!

You are God. But not 'A God'.

Spirit vs. Ego.

Neo vs Smith.

Pleasant journey!

There's a choice you're making. You're saving your own life. When you're true you make a better day. For you and me.

Dream weaving 101:

*** State to yourself in a good vibration ***
*** Preferably while looking yourself in the eyes in a mirror ***

I am so happy and grateful now that all my dreams come true
I am so happy and grateful now that everything is getting better and better

All is do is good
All I do is great

I am good
I am great
I am love
I am amazing

*** All should be communicated without time or space ***
*** All free ***

*** Say grace for everything you receive ***

Thank you God for all the inspiration
Thank you God for all the love

*** Let everything come to you when the time and space collapse ***
*** That is in relation to when everything is universally ready ***

*** You will be notified ***

*** Have faith in all powerful love ***

Spell correctly:

When I do all that is good, that will bring me out the Hood

And the world is at my feet, everyone yes I will greet

I tell myself what I wish to see, and everything is given to me

As I trust in God in constant faith, All will come and I can’t wait!

To receive so much love and have so much fun, As I’m shining in the sun

From within and talk to myself, I create just like an Elf

And dream away from loneliness, Keep believing no second guess

Steady strong in my positive conviction, all becomes real that was all fiction

This how I alchemize, this is how I win the prize

That I am worth for all I’ve done, my journey of love has just begun

So I set sail and look upon the horizon, none is luck there is no surprise in..

Anything that I desire, I just sing to God and the angel choir

That will respond and give me all, as I get up each time I fall

Over and over and I get stronger, lonely I will be no longer

And I shall return the gift I’ve been given, and help you all to be more driven

In what you wish to become real, teach you how to seal the deal

In co-creating with the power of love, so you’ll also be flying like a dove

The world of love is made from dreams of joy, coming from a girl or boy

That wish to make us all feel happy, and stop to live a life that’s crappy

I have the power I am all constructive, that’s what ignites and becomes conductive

Manage your emotional circuitry, and witness how things come to be

All is test of faith

/ Leo 'The Rose' Rosenblad

Stress is always about getting it done and moving along. From A to B. Do that in relation to living a life in presence and you will miss out on everything and perhaps get done once and for all before your time. Find your calm & deep breath again. Find your peace. And you shall experience a life in harmony.

What are you running from which is within yourself? What are you numbing that hurts so much?

Meet yourself in compassion and the answers will come. And you can set yourself free.

In all honesty.

A noble human being doesn't run away from fear.

Meet your destiny.

Ask and thou shall receive. Become true and all is given.

Forgive and forget. Don't repeat history.

Ultimately. As you are grateful for your life. God is grateful for all your experience as this expands the universe. You are always being monitored as in guided and assisted to make things as good as possible because this reverberates out into the cosmos and makes all better. You have a gift of life right now. And you make the choice to give that gift back. In the formless gratitude you feel for love.

I thank you God today for giving me a vision of beautiful brown eyes that looked at me with such admiration and love. Telling me I am fantastic.

Everything is born from darkness. But the sun doesn't shine upon paradise until dawn. And you don't know when that is in relation to manifestation.

So please hold on. Don't give up.

And stay connected. Connected to the right source.

Which is spiritual.

Do you wanna be a part of it all? Or do you wanna fall apart? Maybe you have to so in order to receive all of Gods wonderful world. That includes nothing without yourself and other people. I for one forgive everything and everyone. I understand what happened and why. I take my mature responsibility and set all free. That's what I do. Out of love and compassion because it's a wonderful day in the neighborhood. Please be a friend of yourself in all honesty and we can be close friends too. Or else I keep you at a distance for my own greater good. I am not going back to the hood. I am a success story. I am The Rose that grew up from concrete.

Hit 'em up and you only hit yourself. Stop hitting yourself and hit me up!

Who is ever done when they 25???

Who's ever done ever?

What is physical age in relation to an emotional understanding of oneself?

The mirror might show someone past the physical age of 70.

But the mirror of love is all about truth.

The physical shit goes away in the shower.

But you gotta come clean from the inside out.

Soul cleansing in forgiveness and truth.

Ya feel me?

A logical structure is completely material. No emotions. Cold steel.

An abstract emotions is a nuance of color. Humane warmth.

If you add up all the material colors you get black.

If you add up all the spiritual colors you get white.

Material is a concept.

Spiritual is all emotions


Both are full color.

But only one is soul.

Only one is humane.

Only one is love.

One love.

All one.



The more colorful you are the more understanding you are. And that has nothing to do with skin color.

It's all about how much you allow yourself to feel, in a world of steel.

And wish for all to heal, and free shall be the deal

This website has to come to an end. Or else I do.

Despite any circumstances I must speak up and say out loud that:

I deserve to feel love. Just for being who I am.

All the love you’ve got is gone when you give to a black hole that doesn’t return the love.
It consumes everything and leaves you to die.

So hold on to your love and don’t waste it in superficiality.

In something that is technical and physical only for pleasure.
Give your love to what is deep and soulful.
And then you can be technical and physical together!

In all loving pleasure.

Precursor for a nightmare:

When you feel like committing suicide you feel like a worthless piece of shit.

So what is that in relation too?

What are you comparing yourself to that makes you feel that way?

Because if there is nothing to compare yourself to like an idea of how things should be then what’s the problem?

Or maybe you believe in a great idea about yourself but it hasn’t happened yet?

So perhaps you wish to die simply because you are impatient?

Or maybe you are striving to become something that you do not really want?

All of these things boil down to one simple answer regardless of each individual claim. And that is gratitude.

Are you grateful just for being alive and having a human experience?

Are you grateful for just being you without any expectations whatsoever?

That’s where everything starts AND ends.

No attachments. Just being.

You are worthy just for being you!

Feed yourself with that instead of permanent vacation plans to hell.

State until you feel: I AM WORTHY!

That is called success.

And the love story continues..

You can live in a country but you are a citizen of planet earth.
A soul being having a human experience.

All freedom is freedom of mind.

Any type of identification creates we and them.

The best creates the worst.

The night creates the day.

It’s all good. It’s all God.

It’s all love.


If you kill me this is still in effect. Now what does that say about YOU?

Forgive past mistakes done by people in complete misunderstanding based in fear. Like all the HipHop tracks talking shit about the most beautiful creatures on the face of the earth muthafucka. A third world country is defined as a nation not having a stable econony. Which is all attraction based on guilt. Holding on to defeat. You get what you give and the result is evildent. The victim feeling sorry for themselves. The one packin' heat getting frequently attacked calls in sick. From identifying in a strong emotional sense with what they do NOT wish would happen. Check the thermometer. What is your true color? All is energy. Don't mind the childen! Mind your "adult & mature" business.

All men & women can quantum jump.

Hello? - My name is Dr. Greenthumbs up / B Real.

You can't get a hold on what is naturally free. Unless you go against it. Overiding free will in a process men-t to go forward in development having control over something that isn't yours to dominate.

God is not yours to keep for yourself or to use in opposition. That will forever be a work done in vanity over being OK with who you are instead of crushing flowers to make way for love. Who da fuck do you think you are???

God yourself???

Prepare to die screaming in eternal pain.

As you've gone against nature. By controlling it in any which way you call love. The mere fact that you allow for that word to be a part of your expression is by this approach already abuse.

Let your hair flow in the wind as God intended. For the one controlling it will now murder all competition.

Which is themselves.

In fear of God.

Whom is all loving.

You should respect that.

And know better. Not by knowledge in theory. But thru living in love, being in love within yourself. A matter which is no matter but all in the heart.

Pocahontas AK-47 just went off.

Did you feel that?

The Mohikan feels no remorse in judgemental ways of holding a grudge. But seeks to find understanding and keeps a good spirit allowing for all Gods children to be free under a blue sky designed for us to experience living in freedom.

Which side are you on? Of that AK that is..

OK? Or AK?

You decide.

May God have mercy on your soul.

I took it back and it was not too late boss.

All is green now in the (s)miles ahead.

Got humble? In the milky way?

No? You will be taught.



Revenge is something that occurs as a product manifested from a narrow mind. Which only seeks to find acknowledgement by oneself, but can't seem to let go of others for giving them a hard time. It was all a lesson in self preservation completely misunderstood in not taking a look at oneself and what is being projected. Childish? Nah. But immature as the cognition should have developed by now yet restricted from holding on to a grudge. There is no and never will be any healing in vindictive behavior. Stop destroying the environment with negative pollution. Or to be more correct, find the positive aspect of everything ever created to heal.

That will never happen when still coming from a victim mentality. Heal as to give healing. Or else you are a false prophet. You can only give what you have.

For peace there has to be a cease-fire. As each bullet goes around the world and eventually blowing your mind from behind. Big suprise for you maybe, but you where looking in the wrong direction when trying to sort what was primarily within yourself.

The art of war. Painting a picture using blood from the innocent. Proving a point that never will be creditable in the name of love. You will die, it's inevitable.

God makes no mistakes and cannot be killed.

You set yourself on fire.

Not a goodbuy.

It's time. To make a change.

In perception.

There is no sub. Only one great mission.

All Ah! As in a good idea making things better.

Get close to danger and it will scare the fear out of you.

Confronting opposition with love. Making it a friend.

A best friend. A lover. A partner. All Ah!

The Slave: But I love you?

The Master: Love me? What is love? I'll show you!

Who da master?

A right wing(side) extremist is feminine.

An incorrect political perception.

At the core of things a misconception created to make black be white. Eve & Adam. Course now corrected.

All is misunderstanding of self.

Self is light.

People are light & dark skinned in various nuance.

The brain physically rewires as you come correct. Making masculine & feminine, black & white.

Understanding & appreciating each other.

God is Love.

But also requires a loving mind.

Match made in heaven.

Or hell.. If you fear yourself.

..In being true..

Laugh at evil music. Just don't laugh with it.

She is Goddess, He is God.

Whom looks up to her.

Naturally to experience more than himself.

Seeing his true nature in her.

Which is emotional & loving.

There is no such thing as old news.

Papa Old Guinea.

The left is looks out (Watch out!). The right eye looks for insight (It's alright). Look to the right for 'I am hole, whole, holy'. Y is the masculine (left) chromosome finding treasure where the X (right) marks the spot.

I think of the children.

Look left to question everything.

Did I paint that well so they do not understand what I really meant? I feel so. Alright then. You agree?

Yeah most would. So more free all open pornography sites? Some would wanna shut this site down immediately! But would still keep those???

What's those view of children in all honestly given this becoming a sexual context? You are supposed to realize yourself before you have children. Something that is a natural given the second you are born.

God, Jesus, Truth, Love is REAL. Not ISRAEL.

Pegasus: Good Bye.

I really did it, Inside myself

Japan 4.


Patience is key. Patience comes from knowing. The less patient your are the more you doubt. The more you invest in God the more you receive from that investment. You are acknowledging absolute reality. Being true. Believing, staying in faith. The more the dreams come the closer you come. As you stay waiting in patience like a God’s dog. Soon it transforms into: There you go! Just like that. Patience makes for real-time. Because everything exists in the present. Why you aren’t receiving that is because you live in the future or stay in the past. All mental contractions. All misconduct within the heart. So you return. To innocence. Over and over.. Don’t judge. Free. Free from static convictions. Letting things come and go. Going with the seasons. The days of our lives. Like sand thru the hourglass. So is the present moment. In the middle of everything. The center of aware attention. Where it all goes down, and up. And all possible directions with endless expression becoming constantly new for eternity. Trust that. Have faith in that. Acknowledge and work for that. Give your life to that. Give it your all. And you shall receive at least double of what you gave. From the same source. We all God. We get clean in reverence & courtesy whilst still act like animals some time. Which is more than alright, in a cozy context. But curse you and all of our spirit. When you make that all about yourself. That’s signing a contract with the devil. And WE have to work that out. Karma is no bitch. But necessary darkness to be able to create light. In peace, love & understanding. Moral living. Civilized. Yet not zombies walking like robots. Impatient to score the next deal. Neglecting what gives us all. Love. God. Source. Energy. Neglect and pay. It’s a guilt trip. Don’t mistreat love. It’s gonna blow. She’s gonna blow! All the darkness away for quite some time.

Grateful for where you are. Life is happening now.

The best is yet to come.

Positive mindgame.

Every message comes with a feeling. That feeling is the most important.


'She desires me'

And feeling that as I am sure I desire her. And stop to think about that or else I will start to question myself and project doubt  regardig her desire for me. God gives me everything I need at the corret divine timing. Why would I be instructed to do this now if we wheren't close to hold each other in loving arms.

God things come 2 those who wait. In love.

..we wants us..

My precious

God needs Joy. Only got bliss.

Sorry muthalovva.

Feel Joyniversesal.

You've made it.

Light on!

Exclusively for Swedes.

The most religious people on earth just not knowing it.

You are only addicted to love, peace & truth. One and the same. Stay away from those and you'll experience pain. You can solve that however you wish. My prescription is doing it inside out.

I know from experience.

Satan says hi!

Crazy? Crazy in love. Be You Oncé.

We make sad into feeling good. As we've previously been given acknowledgement in sorrow but not for joy. Somebody not giving that doesn't really know how. And thus they cannot give what they do not have.

What are you smiling about? Becomes the judgement. Instead of introspection as to why not?

A baby just cried outside. But I ignored it. Not with my heart but with my mind.

Why give the baby something to cry about?

If I did? That would be about me.

..there goes that baby again! I swear if I hear another cry I will go out there..

Babies cry. But mostly happy. Don't make that into ghostly happy.

Show yourself love, and give that away.

That's a return on investment.

For errbody!







’Everything is energy in vibration. I feel temperature and taste in that possible in water.
That is something truly amazing! Someone knowz what they’re doing. Have faith’.

Uploaded Oct 14th 12:31.

That's not a coincidence.

Nothing is..


Molecular structure, hormones, muscular tissue whatever.. is all energy in motion. Which means that all is an investment. All eat all in a world meant to self correct itself and never die. So what is necessary is gratitude in relation to what is being consumed. Prior to all consumption regarding everything. But in particular in relation to consuming something living which is perfectly fine as long as they lived a good life. Which animals instinctively do just by being. Right? Or perhaps gets mistreated. All is energy so you don't have to analyze the meat to find any trace of a material proof regarding this. The idiot says what?.. You are what you eat. What you eat is what you feel grateful for. In relation to life that is a mutual engagement in relation to eating meat. You cannot slit the throat, condescend or mistreat a chickpea. It's not conscious like that but nonetheless conscious. Think about that before you purchase cheap meat not saying thanks before you eat it. Thanksgiving is all year around, all day every day. We get what we give. Give thanks. Always. Heartfelt. Or else blabla..

Free loving people does not live in a set of rigid rules. That's false prophets in fear of God. Of self. of Love.

They are not holy by any means. They are just not participating like the rest of us. Living life as free and loving as possible.

Sex for instance is a beautiful part of life. No reason to feel guilt or shame in relation to that. If you have a hard time with this I suggest not getting children and sitting in a hut alone in the woods fading away for your entire stay on earth.

It's your choice.
